Dignified Life - Right not Privilege

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Association for Assistance to the Mentally Disabled in Slovakia
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 104,970
The project is carried out in:


There is an actual need to reform the legal provisions of guardianship in Slovakia. We will promote the needed changes together with the target groups - people with intellectual disabilities. In accordance to respect and to exercise their rights our recommendations to the legislation shall include: procedural decrees on court hearings; quality standards, control mechanisms, ethical code of the guardianship. The manual on the impact of removing of legal capacity, as well as the manual about personal responsibility, will be important tool for families facing the problems of potential exclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. We are going to organize self advocacy meetings to empower people with intellectual disabilities in accepting the responsibility for their own. The model of lifelong complex community based care of people with intellectual disability, should provide the state administration with the best practice that should be implemented in Slovakia.

Summary of project results

We managed to achieve all the planned outputs. We realised 19 educational seminars for 645 guardians, parents, professionals; 90 trainings on responsibility for 71 people with intellectual dsabilities; we organised 4 round-tables; we prepared 2 recommendations for Ministry of Justice. We worked out 2 legal analysis and 5 manuals; we published 5 publications and 1 book; we realised the capmaign. We worked out the model of complex community services for people with intellectual disabilities. We managed to reach the legislation change.The importance for the project realization was defined in project justification: People with intellectual disabilities are, objectively, the most discriminated group in all the field of life. This situation is not changing for a long time. Majority does not accept them as the full-value part of society. Despite the legitimacy of UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which guarantees the equal rights for persons with disability is situation in Slovakia so, that the most of persons with intellectual disabilities did not reach the equality and they do not have the chance to obtain the appropriate support and education in the field of exercising of the human rights. We managed to make significant influence on change of legislation (Rule of Civil Procedures) – our comments were accepted by the Ministry of Justice and it will not be possible to abridge anybody legal capacity fully. We managed to change the awareness on execution of guardianship among the guardians. We realised the campaign, we published the book „Stačí ľúbiť. Príbehy rodín s členom s mentálnym postihnutím“ (To love – it s enough. The stories of families with member with intellectual disability), we made 6 short movies. Target groups were participating on project directly, some of the activities were dependent on their participation. That were the activities sucha s educational seminars, training seminars for people with intellectual disabilities, meetings with professionals within the round-tables. The public was engaged by the realisation of the project publicity.

Summary of bilateral results