Mobiity in higher education 4

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Warsaw(PL)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Østfold University College(NO)
University of Bergen(NO)
University of Iceland(IS)
University of Oslo(NO)


Students and staff mobility in higher education

Summary of project results

Short-term goals of the project: 1. increasing the level of learning skills, developing social and cultural competences; 2. increasing the level of awareness and interest in the culture of the Donor States and Poland among students, tolerance and openness towards other cultures and nations; 3. increasing the professional competences of employees, enriching the methodological workshop, learning about innovative and effective forms and methods of work; 4. learning about working conditions in an international environment and developing language competences, learning specialist vocabulary; 5. learning about the education systems in the Donor States. Long-term goals: 1. acquiring new competencies that may contribute to the strategic development of the university in the future; 2. improving the quality of work / education and international cooperation; 3. international recognition of the universities participating in the project through the dissemination of knowledge about them.As a result of the project, the participants strengthened their linguistic, methodological and practical competences, gained unique experience in the functioning of the education system and the legal system (student exchange - the Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen (UoB) and the University of Oslo (UoO)), broadened their worldview horizons, the exchange also contributed to a better understanding of social and cultural diversity. Thanks to the exchange of employees, it was possible to extend the scope of cooperation to new university units - cooperation was established between the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the UW and Ostfold University College (OUC). The mobility of students and university staff contributed to increasing the degree of their internationalization, competitiveness, improving the quality of education, increasing scientific cooperation, strengthening sustainable institutionalized partnerships, knowledge transfer and innovation, as well as new teaching content and methods and enabled the staff to establish valuable contacts. The participants of the exchange learned the model of education and functioning of universities in the Donor States, which will contribute to the use solutions to problems and challenges developed by partner universities that they encounter in their work. Participation in the Programme Education also significantly contributed to the promotion of hosting universities in the academic environment.


Summary of bilateral results

The cooperation under the Programme Education resulted in deepening the knowledge about the organizational systems - it was possible to develop a path of communication and cooperation and expand a network of permanent contacts facilitating communication between universities. In addition, despite the difficulties related to the implementation of mobility, caused by the unstable pandemic and political situation, the partner universities were looking for solutions together, including, for example,making every effort to replace the mobility, which was impossible to implement with another type of mobility. Such activity gave positive results - a network of new contacts was established between particular units of partner universities that had not previously cooperated (Faculty of Economic Sciences UW - OUC). The units organized an online meeting with representatives of the above-mentioned units, as a result of which a UW employee went on a training course at the OUC. There was also a meeting of an employee of the IRO UW at UoB (STT under the Erasmus Program), during which cooperation within the Education Program was discussed.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.