Advocating towards the ratification and implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Freedom of Choice
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 97,020
The project is carried out in:


On May 5th, 2011, the Slovak Republic signed the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. The Convention sets state´s obligations in the field of prevention of violence, support and help to the survivors, holding the perpetrators accountable and monitored. In case of its ratification, the convention will trigger the need for changes in legislation, as well as institutional background of combating gender based violence. With a view to making the process of ratification easier and supporting it, we are planning to disseminate the information on the Convention and its impact towards public and ministries, as well as public institutions; to create coalition supporting the Convention and to gather experience, examples from practice (both good and bad). The project´s objective is to promote the ratification and effective implementation of the Convention. the project propose number of advocacy actions and educational activities together with public administartion bodies and NGOs working in the field of violence again women and domestic violence. The main target group is public administration, general public and beneficiaries are women and their children exposed to violence.

Summary of project results

Thanks to the project, we have managed to increase the awareness of the general and professional public about the Istanbul Convention (reach approx. 2 mil. people) and to strengthen public support for the ratification process of the Istanbul Convention. We also significantly strengthened NGOs working in the field of violence against women in their activities and autonomous practice. Thanks to advocacy activities and the preparation of publications we have also significantly contributed to the influence of public policies in favor of women experiencing violence and to the all support and protection of human rights. Thanks to educational activities we contribute to deepen the knowledge of the professional public about the Istanbul Convention and human rights of women.The project has had positive impact on strengthening our organization. All analyzes we processed, all knowledge and experience gained from the implementation can be used in our next daily practice (advocacy, education, litigation etc.). Elaborated educational methodology for training aimed at the Istanbul Convention has expanded and improved educational services of our organization as well as other NGOs. Advocacy and educational activities have contributed to the improvement of the work of other NGOs to expand cooperation with the state administration which can have a long-term positive effect for our further activities in the theme violence against women (VAW) and gender equality. All materials (analysis) produced by the project have been serving to all persons involved from now on which may in the long term contribute to the successful implementation of the Istanbul Convention. Through social campaign it has improved awareness of the Convention, to increase the motivation of the public to participate in the issue of VAW which generally contributes to creating an environment for more effective implementation of women's human rights.

Summary of bilateral results