In the framework of this project we will contribute to positive changes through advocacy activities focused on the improvement of institutional protection and support of human rights in SR with the emphasis on prevention of violations of the human rights of women, and on consistent implementation of the principle of gender equality in public policies (labour market, healthcare, etc.). We will concentrate mostly on rights concerning autonomy, integrity and human dignity of women and their non-discrimination in general. We will directly follow up with the previously supported project but also run several new activities using previous outputs and our experience: monitoring / diagnosis of (non) functioning of public institutions in the fulfillment of human rights obligations of SR, communication with stakeholders networks and other elements of our know how in the field of systemic promotion of human rights of women and gender equality including examples of good practice in other countries.
Summary of project results
To make the prevention of the denial of the human rights of women efficient and promotion of gender equality in public policies (in labour market, healthcare etc.) consequent, the changes in the systemic setting of institutional protection and support of human rights in SR are more than necessary. The objectives of the project - to contribute to positive changes through advocacy activities - were fulfilled besides the others by the expert roundtable discussion with the proposals of concrete recommendations according to the models of functioning of humn rights institutions in other countries.Those were elaborated in detail in one of the rosource materials worked out within the project. The study brings the fundamental view on multidimensional and intersectional approach to the protection of human rights of women. Judicial decisions in cases of discrimination and human rights of women provessed and published in the framework of the project are another important piece of knowledge. Great asset was also the elaboration of resource materials for the submissions addressed to the UM Committee for elimination of all forms of discrimination of women (CEDAW). Besides the students, that were actively involved in most of the above mentioned activities, the advantage from the implmentation of project took in particular the persons from the public institutions and administration obtainig valuable infomation and stimuli within the discussions in the course of events and also from the experience learning. The asset of arterial importance for the main beneficiary group in the project (women) were successful advocacy activities that will also in the future help to develop pressure on keeping the state duties in the fields of fulfilment of reproductive rights and human rights of women.Within the monitoring activities we continued in identification pof the reasons of the problems related to non-respectful or even violent treatment of women. It is clear from our findings that the maternity wards in Slovakia serious and often systemic violations of human rights and we want to focus our attention to it in the future.
Summary of bilateral results