Gender sensitization of university students - future teachers

Project facts

Project promoter:
Phoenix Civic Group
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 23,988
The project is carried out in:


Gender equality belongs to priorities of the European Union. According to various studies and experience abroad it is very important to focus on elementary and secondary schools in this field; the current teaching materials and processes in schools promote gender inequality and guide pupils and students towards stereotypes.Main objective of the project Gender sensitization of students – future teachers at schools with Hungarian as teaching language is to broaden the knowledge of future teachers in gender issues. Aim is to show them how to recognise the causes of stereotypes as sources of gender inequality, to teach them methods to break these down and to guide their students towards gender equality. Primary target groups of the project are students of the University of Constantin the Philosopher in Nitra – future teachers, and current teachers at Hungarian elementary and secondary schools in Slovakia. Secondary target groups are Hungarian university students in Slovakia who already are or will become leaders in their communities.Project outcomes: lectures conducted for future teachers at the university in Nitra in the framework of a separate subject; a textbook as a collection of texts for students; a conference in Nitra providing a framework for exchange of knowledge and experience between professors, teachers and experts in gender issues; discussions about gender issues organised during the student summer camp Gombasek and in student clubs in Bratislava, Nitra, Komárno and Košice; exhibitions during the summer camp in Gombasek and during the conference in Nitra. Project partners are Diákhálózat – Študentská sieť („DH“), members of which are Hungarian students in Slovakia and the University of Constantin the Philosopher in Nitra. They support the project in reaching the target groups.

Summary of project results

Main objective of the project was to increase awareness, knowledge and education of students of Hungarian nationality in Slovakia. The issue of gender equality has not been publicly discussed in the community of Hungarians in Slovakia before this project. Our education system co-creates the views of young people; therefore, the project aimed working with students above all. A pilot module on gender equality was realised at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and a collection of readings published. Experience with the new university module and with gender issues at schools were discussed and published in the framework of an international conference; recommendations for the follow up of activities aiming gender sensitization at schools were also formulated. The project mobilized Hungarian students in Slovakia through discussions co-organised by Diákhálózat – Študentská sieť – Student Network in Košice, Nitra, Komárno and Bratislava and the Gombasek Summer Camp. The project publicly formulated the challenges of gender issues in south Slovakia. The cooperation of OZ Phoenix and the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra will continue and the new module stays in their study plans. As the feedback of students was very positive, cooperation with the Student Network will continue as well in their clubs and in the summer camp.

Summary of bilateral results