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The purpose of the initiative is to exchange experience and share good practice between the Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic and the possible Norwegian partner Drammen half-way house and Buskerud Probation Office in the functioning and operation of the half-way house.The aim of this study visit is to contribute to the successful preparation and implementation of PDP3 as well as strengthening bilateral cooperation with Norwegian partners. The participants of this initiative will have an experiance with half-way house operation in Norway and will discuss about the
Summary of the results
The project promoter of PDP3 organized a study visit to Norway in May 2019. This initiative was realized according to the schedule and plan. Representatives of the Czech Probation and Mediation Service visited the Buskerud Probation office during the first day and Drammen Half-Way house during the second day of the study visit. They shared experience with the operation and organization of the centers. There were also introduced probation programs and explained their aims and goals and experiences with their supervision.
During the stay, the knowledge of Czech representatives about the functioning of the Probation Service and the Halfway House in Norway was improved and, on the contrary, the model of functioning of the Probation and Mediation Service in the Czech Republic was explained, which led to better mutual understanding. The cooperation led, among other things, to the identification of areas of operation of the Norwegian probation service, which could be transferred to the Czech environment. Both parties were satisfied with this initiative and it helped to set up specific plan for the bilateral cooperation within the pre-defined project.