Modern School

Project facts

Project promoter:
Grammar School of Ľudovít Štúr Zvolen
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 27,928
The project is carried out in:


The project will focus on rainwater, water harvesting, recycling and reuse. It will involve students, parents, local communities and the general public. The objective of the project is to increase public environmental awareness in relation to climate change adaptation. Through the project implementation increased volume of reused rainwater will be achieved as well as increasing the knowledge of students when it comes to climate change adaptation measures. The curricula focused on management of rainwater and climatic changes will be modified for the school education programme. Educational activities focused on environment will be organised. Students and civil services are expected to benefit from the project implementation. The National Forest Centre will cooperate in the development of measures to monitor results directly on the ground.

Summary of project results

The school is very pleased for the opportunity to implement project aimed at climate change and water management issues. Thanks to the project, we were able to turn a concrete (tiled) space of the inner yard into a green oasis of relaxation for our students and thus making the environment a better place for students. It is equipped with a fountain, rain garden, green wall and extensive green plants. We created educational materials which are being used in the school process. We delivered all planned outputs: a rain garden, fountain with rain water, containers to retain rain water, an extensive green plot, and twenty trees were planted. Worksheets were made for students. We build four rain gardens, a green plot with extensive greenery, four containers to retain rain water, a fountain with closed circulation of rain water. Twenty trees were planted. Worksheets dealing with the prevention of draught were made for subjects such as Biology, Chemistry and Geography.

Summary of bilateral results