Education in the field of climate and adaptation measures in Elementary school Dr. V. ClementisTisovec

Project facts

Project promoter:
Elementary School of Dr V.Clementis Tisovec
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 21,894
The project is carried out in:


The project will focus on rainwater harvesting, recycling and reuse. It will involve children, parents, local communities and general public. The objective of the project to increase public environmental awareness on adaptation to climate change issues. Through the project implementation increased volume of reused rainwater will be achieved, as well as increased knowledge of children about climate change adaptation measures. The curricula focused on management of rainwater and climatic changes will be modified for the school education programme. Educational activities focused on environment will be organised. Children, students and civil services are expected to benefit from the project implementation.

Summary of project results

The project has raised pupil's awareness of climate change adaptation. Project pointed out the need to address this issue also in the future. From an educational perspective, school children as well as the wider community were taught the central role of water in our lives and the importance of conserving it as well as designing innovative ways for its use. Children were taught that water is an essential source of life on earth and serves many essential functions for people and the environment. Thanks to the Blue Schools project, environmental education was introduced into the school curriculum (36 hours per school year). Visitors to the school grounds can also learn about the innovative features implemented during the project. Additionally, the main educational takeaway from the project is that it shows human ingenuity in addressing contemporary environmental issues such as water conservation and protection. Instead of treating rainwater as a waste product, the project highlighted the value of rainwater for maintaining a healthy micro-climate, bio-diversity and its utility. Thanks to underground water reservoirs, water is connected to a pump so that it can be used for both irrigation of the garden in the spring, summer and fall months and irrigation of the skating rink during the winter months. The school has also planted 12 trees and greenery in the school area, created a project website and published brochures about project implementation Children learnt about the importance of environmental protection and responsibility from an early age which they will carry with them as they grow.

Summary of bilateral results