Economic decision-making positions in Slovenia are mostly held by men in spite of the comparable qualifications and economic activity among women. In addition to the overall objective of raising awareness about gender equality and incentives for research in economic decision-making, the specific objective of the project is to enhance gender equality in economic life. We will analyze the Norwegian internationally-recognized experience with gender quotas in business, organizational and individual practices and its applicability in Slovenia. Partnerships that combine academic and business knowledge will contribute to the development of appropriate policies, organizational practices, motivation of young women and enhanced awareness of the general public. We will advise politicians on how to develop policies in the field of gender equality in economic decision-making, create training programmes for top and personnel managers, career guidance for female students and a website on gender equality in economic decision-making. BI Norwegian Business School will have an important role in developing the project and achieving the key project outputs.
Summary of project results
The project was needed for achieving greater awareness of gender equality and creating incentives for research in economic decision-making. The results will be sustained by maintaining business relationships with partners - communicating and disseminating the project results in HR community, in companies management teams, in political sphere, among students and general public. General objective of the project was to achieve greater awareness of gender equality, while the specific objective was to increase gender equality in economic life in Slovenia. The objectives/expectations were fully reached and our impact was achieving greater awareness about the problematic of gender inequalities in Slovenian community. The outcome were better informed target groups and an impact on their work. We also achieved effective cooperation with decision makers – some of project’s results were well accepted among them, in some areas (e.g. political) the impact was even more significant. We organized several events in order to raise awareness among our target groups and to encourage them for adopting required measures. Publications and dissemination of research findings were also some of the important project’s outputs. The beneficiaries were actively participating in events, organized for them (workshops, lectures, meetings). The main benefit was to involve them into process of disseminating the project’s main message (e.g. students creating motivational message for improving gender inequalities). The donor partner had an important role in developing the project and executing the key project outputs. They advised Slovenian community about the Norwegian experience, have participated in meetings with business, political and other core actors in Slovenia and in Norway and were co-authors on the scientific and popular presentations of the project’s results.
Summary of bilateral results
The project has greatly contributed to straightening bilateral relations between Slovenia and Norway in form of greater awareness about the gender inequality in Slovenia, shared information among countries and improved knowledge about the problematics. The bilateral funds were essential for strengthening bilateral relations, because of the opportunities to visit each other’s country in gaining important information and experience (study visits, meetings, conferences, collaborations) directly. The bilateral partnership has contributed to the project in terms of needed guidance, experience, strengthening the project’s results, trying innovative approaches and has had a great impact on the visibility of the project.