Partnership for prevention development and community based HIV testing for men who have sex with men in Slovenia

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Cultural, information and advisory centre Legebitra
Project Number:
Target groups
People with HIV/AIDS,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 284,596
The project is carried out in:


In Slovenia, the number of people living with HIV is increasing rapidly; most of the newly infected are men who have sex with men (MSM). In general, health care workers lack specific competences for HIV/MSM. The project aims to reduce HIV/sexually transmitted infections transmission rate among MSM in Slovenia and to educate health care workers of all levels regarding living with HIV and stigma around it. The project will implement a comprehensive programme of safe sex promotion and community based HIV/sexually transmitted infections testing for MSM and increase the number of trained professionals in HIV/MSM field. This will be achieved with an innovative communication campaign, including new media, new field work, new testing services approaches, and multidisciplinary study of infection dynamics, and with new and specific trainings for health care workers. The project target groups are MSM (young, rural, elderly) and health professionals. The Norwegian partner brings experience with HIV/MSM in Norway that will be shared and exchanged with Slovene partners during study visits, evaluation and follow-up. The partnership will benefit those people living with HIV, MSM in general and health workers of all levels to better deal with stigma, HIV and MSM .

Summary of project results

In Slovenia, the number of new HIV diagnoses is increasing; most new cases are among men who have sex with men (MSM). Effective treatments that prevent AIDS and consequently, fear from HIV, affected the traditional prevention efforts in MSM as a key risk group for HIV. HIV stigma is still present in the MSM community, healthcare settings and society. The project Response to HIV addressed these issues through sustainable community-based innovative services for MSM that were developed in strong partnership with healthcare institutions with the public health goal to halt the spread of HIV in MSM - the most vulnerable key population with unequal access to some healthcare services. Aiming to reduce HIV/sexually transmitted infections (STI) transmission rate among MSM in Slovenia and to educate health care workers of all levels about the key population, life with HIV and HIV-related stigma, a comprehensive programme of safe sex promotion and community based HIV testing for MSM was developed and the number of trained professionals in HIV/MSM field was increased. Over 1000 MSM used new community-based testing and counselling service; all 13 men with positive tests were linked to care; 30.000 condoms and lubricants were distributed; 30 HIV positive MSM were included in self-help group; 134 individual counselling sessions were performed for people with new HIV diagnoses; over 200 community workers and medical professionals/students have participated in training and educational activities of the project; and one comprehensive communication campaign was carried out. Community based testing service provides free tests for HIV and other STI’s. Individual and group support is available for HIV positive MSM. Slovenian MSM have at their disposal a new website, focused at HIV and sexual health where they can find relevant information about prevention and support and links to services, established by the project (such as counselling). A 24/7 HIV SOS line provides information about HIV and post-exposure prophylaxis. Medical professionals are more knowledgeable about specifics of work with MSM patients.

Summary of bilateral results

The main achievements on a bilateral level were: better knowledge by Slovenian partners of best Norwegian practices, presentation of those practices to Slovenian HIV stakeholders, implementation of Norwegian practices in Slovenia. The bilateral funds contributed to strengthening of bilateral relations between Slovenian and Norwegian partners in the form of establishment of cooperation between Norwegian and Slovenian partners and establishment of contacts between Slovenian partners and Norwegian institutions and NGOs active in the field of HIV, other sexually transmitted infections and sexual health of MSM. Based on study visits by Slovenian partners in Norway, we became acquainted with the work of Norwegian stakeholders and the local context in which they operate, and we adapted Norwegian experiences and practices to our local context. The visits of Norwegian partners in Slovenia contributed to a better understanding of the subject and HIV work in Norway through presentation of Norwegian practices to our healthcare professionals and other stakeholders.