Think Global, Act Local

Project facts

Project promoter:
Grammar school Tolmin
Project Number:
Target groups
Manager, leaders, teachers, trainers, administrators and technical staff from eligible institutions,
Public and private organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and NGOs, responsible for the organization and delivery of education and training at local, regional and national levels
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 30,600
The project is carried out in:


The partners in the project Think global – Act local areTolmin Grammar School, Slovenia, and The Commercial College of Iceland along with the Slovenian energy agency Golea. The main objective of the project is to make students reflect upon their own future and make them aware they can go further than the present moment since they can do things “differently” by learning how to go green and enjoy the process. Green energy is the key field of the future development of all countries, therefore, it is of utmost importance for young people to be educated in this field as green and sustainable energy and its benefits are something students should become aware of early in the educational process. Also, we would like to promote the entrepreneurial spirit by enabling the students to visit the enterprises that are leading in the field of green energy together with their partners from abroad, which will contribute actively to better mutual understanding of each other, of our environments and culture. The final outcome of the project will be a video about an exemplary idea within green energy and a publication of an educational booklet with a CD.

Summary of project results

This project was needed specially because of the students – to have opportunity to work with peers from foreign countries and to gain knowledge about renewable energy and its importance. The results will be used for lessons at schools and workshops in science. The main objective was students to learn something about renewable energy and to strengthen bonds between peers. These objectives were achieved through lectures, company visits, projects done and presented by the students, cultural visits, living with families and social computer networking. They have been fully achieved. Impact on all persons involved in the project has been huge (enriched knowledge, ICT skills, better self-confidence, improved English, better mutual understanding etc.) Delivered outputs are: Website (where all outputs have been published), presentations/researches of renewable energy/company/good practice, survey about green energy, an exhibition and DVD Beneficiaries were 2 schools who worked together with local energetic agency and some companies. The main benefit was impact on students as stated above.

Summary of bilateral results

The donor project partner was Verzlunarskoli Islands from Reykjavik, Iceland. We had a long experience in bilateral cooperation and we worked on the draft of the application together. They offered us advisory professional help in filling in the application as they have a strong natural science stream and that their students and teachers there work closely with clean energy and environmental protection companies. The good partnership and the successful collaboration and communication between the donor and beneficiary partners that has always existed during the project will result in enhanced awareness of the students of both schools in the necessity increasing the production of clean energy and continuing research in that area. The results of our project were joint results which we had worked on together, students, teachers and coordinators. The visits and activities were all in connection with the theme of the project. We worked very close with Golea, local energy agency from Slovenia too. We have certainly managed to strengthen the bilateral relations so in that understanding our project outcome was successful. We have strengthened the cooperation between our institutions. The teachers and students of Verzlunarskoli have enhanced our knowledge and understand of the Slovenian people a lot. They know much more about your culture, every day life and traditions that before. The coordinators and other teachers have even become friends. The Icelandic students learned a lot about solar panels and how well they work in Slovenia. So we can say that we have not only managed to establish long term professional ties but also personal ties. Our transnational cooperation led to the transfer of ideas and practices between the partner countries. There was an exchange of know-how and expertise which enhanced the quality of the good practices developed in our project work. Our project was also mentioned at a meeting at the Icelandic Environment Association and they will be involved in our next project. Golea offered us a professional help about renewable energy. The coordinators had an ongoing cooperation and meetings which lead to further cooperation in another project and we are certain our cooperation will go on.