New country – new challenges

Project facts

Project promoter:
High school Tolmin
Project Number:
Target groups
Manager, leaders, teachers, trainers, administrators and technical staff from eligible institutions,
Schools and other institutions providing education and/or training at all levels
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 6,655
The project is carried out in:

More information


The project is needed because the rural and isolated position of the town of Tolmin has meant that the teachers of high school, the Gimnazija Tolmin, are unskilled in the topic of the inclusion of immigrants into the school system and into Slovenian society. These are issues that are becoming more and more the relevant in everyday life. The main goal of this project is to teach successful models of inclusion, and to learn the examples of the good Norwegian practice on these issues and to implement them into Slovenian society. The outcome of the project will be a model to work, including activities and documents, with immigrant children and their parents during their first months and years in a new country. The donor partner is the Malakoff Upper secondary school in Moss. The school has a status of a focus school for the inclusion of immigrants in Norway. The Norwegian partner will provide the Slovenian partners with examples of a good practice.

Summary of project results

Gimnazija Tolmin and Soča development center PRC are both institutions that face to the problem of the integration of the immigrant students and adults to the Slovene society and school system. They did not have many experiences so they found an ideal partner – the Norwegian school Malakoff viederegaende skole, that has a high percentage of immigrants and a successful model of integration. The result will be not only the written general frame/plan of integrating the immigrants but also wider knowledge, skills, motivation and tolerance that the teachers got during their mobility. The important outcome is also the wider understanding of the meaning of a good integration system and good practises we have learned during the mobility. The main benefit was the fact that teachers learned about the good integration practises and all the activities they have to include. The teachers also got self-confidence that they are able to run the similar way of integration in their own school, too. The output is a written frame/plan of integrating immigrants and their families that connects all the institutions that have to work with them. The presentations of the Norwegian system of integration to all teachers of the school at the teachers meetings are the outputs of the project, too. The donor partnership with a strong cooperation has contributed to erase the motivation and skills of Slovene teachers for a god integration of immigrant students.

Summary of bilateral results

The donor project partner was responsible for organisation of the programme during the mobility, arranging meetings, lessons, talks to the experts who work with immigrants in Moss. The partnership achieved an excellent result. The teachers have got lots of knowledge and experiences that they used to create the general frame of work with immigrant students entering the Slovene school system. The bilateral relations became very strong and we have already decided to apply for the further projects at the topic of the multicultural Europe. The knowledge and experiences are not shared only at both Slovene partner institutions. They were shared in the local community with neighboring schools/other institutions and at the national level, too. During the teacher and headmaster meetings we contributed many suggestions how to improve their system of work with the immigrants.