Exchange of good practices and mobility in higher education

Project facts

Project promoter:
GRM Novo mesto – centre for biotechnology and tourism
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 7,740
The project is carried out in:
Jugovzhodna Slovenija


At Grm Novo mesto - the centre of biotechnology and tourism - we want to learn about examples of good practice from elsewhere in Europe. As part of the mobilites and lectures which will be undertaken at University of the Westfjords in Iceland, we will share the experience that we each have in the field of environmental protection and tourism activities in rural areas. We will compare tourist activities in both participating countries and learn about the quality of marketing lectures and courses in the mentioned field. Mobility will be conducted by three lecturers from Slovenia, one in the field of tourism, one in the field of rural tourism and complementary activities on the farm and one in the field of nature protection, specifically abiotic environmental factors and their impact on the environment. The goals of the project are the mobility activities of the lecturers, exchange of knowledge and good practices, and the continuation of the cooperation. The results of the project will be published in local media and on the web pages of both partner institutions.

Summary of project results

This project was needed to make some new connections in Iceland and to improve language and teaching skills of lecturers. The sustainability will be extent by implementing new skills and knowledge in lectures during the study year. The objective was totally reached, because we made some new connections in Iceland and we learned something new about teaching. The outcome was that we all learned something about different countries and way of living and gained some professional experiences for teaching. The main output was to prepare quality lectures for students and make new connections. All four lecturers had 5 hours of lectures for different target groups and listeners were very satisfied with information they got. All participants were deeply involved because of their lectures and preparations they had. For them was the main benefit to get new experience to lecture in different language and to make deeper discussion about the topic they had.

Summary of bilateral results

Without finances we got, we would not be able to make such a project. It was more than welcome to get these experiences for all of us. All of the outcomes and outputs were achieved because all the lectures were professional and interesting for the audience. We also made good bilateral relations and are continuing to lecture for each other. Because we do not have opportunity to make it in person, we make it virtual.