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Diabetes is one of the largest global health emergencies of the 21st century. Since 1980, the number of adults diagnosed with diabetes has increased by four times. Currently there are no diagnostic tests, which allow efficient screening and early detection of type 2 diabetes. Most current tests and assays enable to diagnose diabetes and prediabetes at most couple of years before symptoms appear and therefore require to be periodically retaken at which point lifestyle intervention might not be as effective to prevent the onset and potential complications.
The overall goal of the project is to create the solution ImmunoHealth that enables to predict type 2 diabetes (hereafter T2D) in early stage by utilizing immunoprofiling based disease and health risk diagnostics solution developed by IPDx. Project aims to study the feasibility of the idea and partner search activities.
Summary of project results
Project activities completed. Project promoter participated in the main call with Norwegian partners.