Increasing public health competence and capacity of local governments

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Institute for Health Development(EE)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian Institute of Public Health(NO)


Financed from NO FM

Programme outcome the project contributes to “Improved prevention and reduced inequalities in health”

The project aims to increase the focus on public health in local governments and to enhance the capacity in evidence-based planning and interventions on health at local level. The target groups of the project are as follows: local governments (focus on municipalities at Ida-Viru, Lääne-Viru, Põlva, Võru and Valga county), public health specialists and network teams.

Project activities shall include:

  • Capacity-building for newly reformed local authorities on public health activities and awareness-raising; 
  • Training for local government leaders and health promoters;
  • The development of a competence centre and mentor system for local governments on evidence-based health promotion;
  • Support and counselling for local governments on analysis of the local health status (compiling health profiles) and the design of evidence-based interventions;
  • Support and counselling in local interventions on the prevention of risk-behaviour, particularly among young people;
  • The gathering and disseminating of updated scientific evidence on effective measures and best practices in health promotion.

The donor project partner Norwegian Institute of Public Health provides its experience of supporting municipalities in enhancing public health activities (Municipal Public Health Profiles, best practises in merging local municipalities, providing them their own data sets etc.)

Summary of project results

The project aimed to increase the focus on public health in local governments and to enhance the capacity in evidence-based planning and interventions on health at local level. The target groups of the project were local governments (focus on municipalities at Ida-Viru, Lääne-Viru, Põlva, Võru and Valga county), public health specialists and network teams.

Project activities shall included capacity-building for newly reformed local authorities on public health activities and awareness-raising. 20 municipalities were under project mentoring on evidence-based health promotion for approx. 1,5 years. The project helped the local governments envisage a public health action plan basing on the health profiles created for the region, trainings, data collection, mentoring etc. The local governments commited to composing a team of specialists engaged in public health promotion.  

A county-based analysis of health status of people in different regions in Estonia was published. Additionally, a county-based analysis of injuries in different regions of Estonia was published. It gives the local governments, Rescue Board and the police a tool to carry out health risk impact analysis in their community and propose targeted measures needed namely for their community. Different trainings were provided and people from 74 local governments participated (out of 79 LGs). 

Toybox for kindergartens (obesity reduction tool) – renamed “Seikluste Laegas” for Estonia “, i.e. “Adventure Box” in English – was adapted to Estonian environment and was piloted in 25 kindergartens in Põlva county, Võru county and West-viru county. It showed good results and wide interest from all across Estonia.

The donor project partner Norwegian Institute of Public Health provided its experience of supporting municipalities in enhancing public health activities (public health profiles, providing local governments their own data sets etc.).

Biggest success can be attributed to reaching 70% of local governments (55) providing them county-based health data, guidance and tools to deal with public health promotion. 20 local governments were taken in for a 2-year in depth mentoring.   Also, 7 different studies, guidance materials and tools for local governments were developed that could be used when taking on public health promotion activities. 

Toybox for kindergartens (Adventure Box in Estonian, a method for reducing obesity) has been showing positive results. It has received very good feedback and is in big demand. It has been planned to expand the method more widely. Partnerships with new kindergartens for years 2024/2025 have been formed.  

Summary of bilateral results

Good cooperation was established with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. They participated (online) at the opening event and consulted the project on creating health and welfare profiles and on science-based decision making. It has grown into a tighter scientific cooperation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.