2018-EY-PMIP-R2-0007_Cross out borders by adopting new approaches to teaching

Project facts

Project promoter:
Teacher Training Houses „Grigore Tabacaru” Bacau(RO)
Project Number:
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Objectives: O1. To observe cross-curricular teaching models and educational policies in Norway; O2. To acquire innovative methods and activities to turn the classroom into an inclusive learning environment; O3. To acquire best practices used in the DS education systems in terms of social inclusion; O4. To interact and exchange practices and views with other European professionals and network with them.
Participants: 9 teacher trainers (min. 4 on perm contract) – min. 10 years teaching experience, relevant experience as teacher trainers, English level B1, computer skills – medium level.
- 3 seminars with 30 teacher trainers, 25 school managers, 25 teachers on cross-disciplinary teaching
- 2 workshops with 50 teachers from 12 schools with Roma population
- 2 workshops with 50 teachers from rural and urban schools
- 9 workshops in the participants’ schools
- 2 new courses for 2020-2021 school year
Impact: - 9 experts trained at European level; - 300 teachers informed
- 100 teachers who implement sample activities with their sts (min. 2000); CCD strengthens its European dimension, cooperation with schools etc.

Summary of project results

The first objective of the project consisted of observing and using teaching models and educational policies in Norway. In this regard, three experts attended the first course, “Cross-disciplinary teaching in Norway. A practical exploration”. The participants organised seminars with school principals and trainers, in which they presented their experience and examples of good practice.
The second objective consisted of the acquisition of innovative methods and activities to turn the classroom into an inclusive learning environment. The 3 experts who attended the second course (Smart Teachers Play More)  learned about such innovative methods, applied them on site and improved their flexibility in teaching and training methods and activities. Subsequently, the trainees organised workshops and practical activities in their schools, presented the mobility experience within their schools and to other trainers, as far as the pandemic period allowed for it. Unfortunately, the pandemic has been detrimental to the organisation of all the dissemination activities that were initially designed, as the project team postponed the organisation of some activities after the completion of the third flow, which was rescheduled twice until May 2022, but it failed to be completed due to the pandemic.
Therefore 6 out of the 9 intended participants actually benefited from the structured courses.
The project outputs consist of 2 seminars with 40 school principals, 2 seminars with 20 trainers conducted after Flow 1 (face to face) and Flow 2 (online), presentations in the teachers’ meetings (over 200 teachers), articles in the local media, specialised articles in teachers’ publications, a coursebook. The course will be included in the course offer of the institution in the next school year.
The project had a partial success, given the fact that an importan component (course 3 – Learning outside) was cancelled and the three experts selected could not acquire new ways of teaching or outdoor games. Also, the pandemic context reduced the success of the project as potential indirect beneficiaries of our subsequent workshops were mostly interested in attending courses on the use of ICT, online teaching and learning etc.
We estimate that this year we will be able to organise the follow-up courses for larger audiences.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.