Development of Innovation centre in Daugavpils city

Project facts

Project promoter:
Daugavpils City Council(LV)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Trondheim Science Centre(NO)
Other Project Partners
Daugavpils University(LV)

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The pre-defined project will focus on the entrepreneurial side of STEM, with special focus on how young people can develop careers in the sector. The activities include:

  • Developing education and training programmes for teachers on how to promote values of curiosity, innovation and entrepreneurship in a school environment;
  • Developing workshops, extracurricular activities and science camps and other outreach activities for pupils and students and others;
  • Developing ‘makerspace’ and ‘makerlabs’ and other interactive thematic exhibits, including acquiring necessary mobile equipment;
  • Evaluate activities and measure impact of the innovation centre on society.

Summary of project results

The young people aren’t motivated to choose careers in STEM fields. There is a clear need to improve the skills of teachers, to develop new education and training programmes that promote a positive image of STEM studies and careers.

Education is the foundation of innovative economy; therefore, it is necessary to train a new generation that will be interested to be entrepreneurs, motivated to choose careers in STEM and STEAM fields, a new generation that will be innovators and creative thinkers.

In order to address the objective of Daugavpils Innovation centre and to solve the target group needs, following strategic directions were implemented:

•           development of new educational programmes for all age levels in the field of STEM, STEAM and entrepreneurial skills promotion;

•           organization of workshops, seminars for the teachers;

•           elaboration and implementation of teacher training progammes;

•           organization of workshops and out-door activities for pupils, children and families in the field of STEM, STEAM and entrepreneurial skills development;

•           promotion of science to society and outreach activities in the Latgale region;

•           knowledge increase and capacity building cooperation activities with IC partners in Latvia and Norway, incl. implementation of Talent Programme, International Camps for children/youth, joint trainings, workshops for teachers, Makerspace activities, Maker faire festival.

During the project activities:

  • developed 36 educational programmes;
  • 26 educational and interactive events in STEM field;
  • involved in STEM activities 1877 children;
  • 70 teachers mastered the educational program;
  • 4 trainings for teachers in the field of STEM were organized;
  • 50 field trips were conducted to Latvian schools teaching educational programs in the STEM field;
  • implemented transport compensation activity for Latvian schools;
  • mobile equipment was purchased for creating exhibits and ensuring the learning process;
  • 7 experience exchange trips were conducted between Latvian and Norwegian experts.

A great benefit is the Norwegian experience in organizing the activity of science centers, which do not consist only of exhibits, but are full-fledged knowledge and learning centers. Based on the Norwegian experience, it was possible to create an efficiently working center where every purchased exhibit is used in the learning process.

It was valuable for our teachers to learn on the spot from experts how to organize STEM lessons, because they were innovative solutions that are not in our traditional education system. Further cooperation in the field of STEM is planned. Mutual exchange of experience, raising the professional work capacity of pedagogues and center employees.

Summary of bilateral results

The project implementation rule stated that there must be bilateral cooperation and the partner must necessarily be from the donor country. The cooperation was successful, because Daugavpils had signed a memorandum of cooperation with Trondheim in 2016, and since then good cooperation had been formed in the implementation of scientific activities.A great benefit is the Norwegian experience in organizing the activity of science centers, which do not consist only of exhibits, but are full-fledged knowledge and learning centers. Based on the Norwegian experience, it was possible to create an efficiently working center where every purchased exhibit is used in the learning process.It was valuable for our teachers to learn on the spot from experts how to organize STEM lessons, because they were innovative solutions that are not in our traditional education system.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.