Challenges in Public Administration - Transformation for the Future

Project facts

Project promoter:
Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 25,609
The project is carried out in:


This project has two donor project partners, the University of Iceland (Iceland) and Lillehammer University College (Norway). The main contribution of both these partners is professional, as their selection was based on research and teaching expertise, in particular in the field of strategic planning and specificalities of the role and organisation of public administration (PA) in small countries. Consequently, the partnerships are important for achieving the project outcomes related to the role of PA and its efficient transformation for the future. A fable exists that a lot of administrative problems are often associated with the smallness of the country and lack of strategic orientation. This will be explored. Delivering expertise will also involve preparation of teaching and study materials on these topics. Bilateral relations will be strengthened both at teacher and student level as participants will gain hands-on experience on teaching and research activities as well as on the educational environment, which will increase their interest for joint bilateral teaching, academic publications, research and mobility activities.

Summary of project results

The project was needed to ensure knowledge transfer on efficient modernisation of public administration (PA) and creation of innovative administrative culture. The results of the project will be sustained with their transfer into curricula, and with joint research and teaching activities. The objective was to equip students with the knowledge on future challenges in PA in small countries, and the impact was related to ensuring good will to participating institutions. The outcome was shared expertise, which was successfully finalised in the closing conference. The project delivered numerous outputs: teaching materials prepared by teachers, seminar papers prepared by students, news releases, facebook and web pages of the project etc. The main beneficiaries were students and teachers involved as well as partner institutions in general, as they gained a lot of new knowledge, and they were able to experience working in multicultural environment. The main benefit of the project is associated with increased internationalisation of study activities. The importance of donor partners was related to the transfer of specific knowledge and best practices.

Summary of bilateral results

The project had two donor project partners, that is University of Iceland and Lillehammer University College. Main contribution of both is associated with professional contribution, in particular in the field of strategic planning in PA and the role of PA in small countries. This enabled achieving project outcomes related to the sharing knowledge and experience on the efficient transformation of PA for the future. Partnership enabled to strengthen the existing ties with partners, as well as to create possibilities of new bilateral relations. Partnership effectively provided a framework for strategic partnership for joint research activities and implementation of new joint teaching activities. The results have already been observed as joint research proposal have already been submitted for eligible calls, and also the interest was expressed to increase teacher and student mobilities and create shared curricula. Partnership and project outcome have also been recognised by scientific and professional community home and abroad, and the value of such partnership was clearly recognised. Moreover, the outputs of the partnership are expected to have important impact in debates of the envisaged PA reform and modernisation in Slovenia, as some similar spin-offs in the forms of workshops are already in preparation.