Scaling trust-based partnership models to recharge youth entrepreneurship: Supporting underserved communities with innovative entrepreneurship support instruments (TPM-RYE)

Project facts

Lead project partner:
Agricultural University of Athens - Research Committee(GR)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Beneficiary partners:
Foundation Technologic Incubator (YBP)(PL)
Microfinanza S.R.L.(IT)
Expertise partners:
KIZ SINNOVA Company for Social Innovation gGmbH(DE)
Munich Business School(DE)
Youth Business International (YBI)(UK)

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Challenge: Despite significant investment, young people in many regions still face systemic challenges to start, grow & sustain a business. This is intensified by the lack of documented evidence & learning on what kind of entrepreneurship support is most effective in different contexts, and a scarcity of tested & scalable models. 

The main objective & expected results: to pilot the TbP Model and provide direct services to the target group in Greece, Italy, Spain and Poland;gather evidence and improve results and social impact of the model; to mobilize stakeholders and advocate for additional support for model scaling.

Outputs include research conducted report incl. data & evidence developed; TbP Model tested & improved; new assessment system proposed & used; methodology toolkit prepared; knowledge transfer workshops implemented; conferences organized. Accordingly, the main expected outcomes are:

  • increased number of underserved youth return to training/education; found employment; and/or started entrepreneurial activity;
  • organisations use the knowledge base of what works, where & why;
  • increased number of stakeholders are aware of the TbP Model

Target groups/end beneficiaries:The project targets underserved youth (25-30yrs) who will benefit from dedicated & highly specialized financial & nonfinancial business development services,  resulting from evidence-based research.

Transnational added value: interchange methodology & techniques, exchange of best practice and co-creation will lead to a transnational, repeatable & scalable support methodology proposition.

Measuring success: An appropriate system of assessing results, outcomes and -whenever possible- impact, with a focus on relevance, effectiveness, sustainability & cost-efficiency developed.

Expected sustainability: Results are expected to enable organisations mobilise public, private and philanthropic investments and advocate for better planning of EU funding, thus contributing to a better ecosystem.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.