Public discussions - citizen participation in the control of public affairs

Project facts

Project promoter:
Proti korupcii(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


Corruption is a big problem of society not only in Slovakia but also in many other countries. For several years, the o.z. Proti korupcii has been focusing on the detection and analysis of topics related to the misuse of public resources, corruption and clientelism. These are mainly regional cases with an impact on the whole of Slovakia. The association is probably the only functional regional organization that is dedicated to watch-dog and preventive activities to this extent.

In the media space, the population is faced with a flood of often first-class information and topics at the regional and national level. Public debates are intended to draw deeper citizens into the issue, to clarify and explain matters more extensively by exploring questions, to provide space for direct contact with the direct actors of the topics, thereby partially eliminating misinformation and possible conspiratorial approaches to the wider public.

The project aims to empower local communities, parliamentarians, citizens to take action in public affairs, public life control, and social life through public discussions. Through public discussions to pursue a deeper analysis, a more detailed insight into the topics of regional and national politics in order to present a variety of views and arguments on the problem. The main activity of the project is to conduct regular monthly public discussions with regional and Slovak politicians, representatives of state and public administration, activists pointing out problematic issues. The target groups of the project are elected politicians, non-public citizens, public administration, media, citizens in the broader sense, local communities, university and high school students interested in public life.


Summary of project results

Public debates in the project spread the idea of ​​civil society, the participation of ordinary citizens and activists in public affairs. The public could comment directly on issues of social, communal and political life, it could directly ask questions to public officials. Through public discussions, the organization sought to strengthen and increase the level of critical thinking, to bring an opinion confrontation, to expose various interpretive keys to important topics, but within an atmosphere of tolerance and peace. 

12 public discussions were organized within the project. The aim of the project was to activate civil society. However, tens to hundreds of people attended and watched the discussions, which succeeded in achieving the goal.

Every opportunity to discuss and comment on topics in public is a positive phenomenon for the public. It is an opportunity to participate in public life. The feeling of the individual that his / her voice - opinion does not disappear, increases his dignity, reduces the feeling of tension and thus can contribute to a healthier climate of the whole society. In addition, a natural interaction is built between the public official and the citizens. This dimension and the dimension of increasing the level of critical thinking in communities contributes to the health of society as a whole.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.