Developing the internal capacities of the organisation and its external reach with a strategic focus on strengthening the base of supporters and philanthropy at the individual level

Project facts

Project promoter:
Clovek v ohrozeni, n.o.(SK)
Project Number:
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Over the past 3 years, the budget and staff of the organization have almost doubled. This increase of the organization gives rise to current challenges to strengthen the capacity and effective management of the organization. The aim of this project is to develop the internal capacity of the organization and the external influence and impact of the organization in order to strategically strengthen the support base and individual philanthropy at the individual level. Internal processes will be supported by the implementation of a software tool for project management (intranet) and management education, the external impact will be strengthened by new communication-fundraising strategy, implementation of five campaigns, creation of database processing all contacts of organization.

The organization is also working with a large amount of project data, which is not processed within one project tool, which is a major obstacle to strengthening management capacities. At the same time, the thematic comprehensiveness of the projects and cooperation with international and domestic partners require the continuous development or updating of organizational guidelines and policies and their strict adherence to the whole organization. To support management improvement for the development of the organization''s internal capabilities, several activities are needed: implementation of software tool for project management and related internal processes (intranet), management training focused on management support in higher standard, use of CRM system Salesforce to manage all contacts of the organization, unification of communication outputs and development of communication the implementation of the plan of communication-fundraising campaigns to increase the social base of the supporters of the organization and to support philanthropy at the individual level.

The target group of the project are civil society organizations in a broader sense

Summary of project results

The organization has grown over the last 4 years and the number of employees has almost doubled. Management complexity has been exacerbated by the size of the organization and the diversity of departments in terms of content. Also, a lot of project data was not processed in one project tool. The second identified need addressed in the project was to increase the external reach of the organization, especially with a focus on increasing the number of individual supporters. For this purpose, it was necessary to work more efficiently with organization-wide contacts (unified database) and also to set up comprehensive communication through communication-fundraising campaigns and, on a larger scale, through a communication manual.The following activities took place during the project: introduction of a unified work in the online environment of the Teams tool as a project tool that facilitated internal processes, implementation of 7 fundraising campaigns, which increased the base of individual supporters, adaptation of the Salesforce database, which was originally used only for fundraising, unification of external communication outputs through a communication manual, unification of procedures for creating emergency campaigns and communication guidelines for employees, creation and launch of a new website (the management team completed the Strategic Communication and Management Training and the internal Crisis and Strategic Communication Training, which proved to be particularly important during the coronary crisis. Thanks to this, the organization''s professional staff were prepared to adequately discuss and answer media questions). Project benefits: Organization: well-established system of work in a unified tool in the online environment, unified automated project cycles, contact database. External communication: 3 updated web portals, implementation of 7 campaigns, increase in the number of regular donors by 44.4%, one-off donors by 73.4% and contacts for the newsletter by 14.8%. Facebook followers grew by 29.9%. We managed to set up more efficient external and internal communication. The project helped us strengthen our internal capacities and set up processes that we will continue to work with. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.