18-MOB-0041 - Mobility Project

Project facts

Project promoter:
Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca(RO)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN)(NO)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NO)
Reykjavik University(IS)
The University of Agder(NO)
University College of Southeast Norway(NO)
University of Bergen(NO)
University of Oslo(NO)
University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway(NO)
Volda University College(NO)

More information


The cooperation with universities from Norway and Iceland is important for Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) strategy because the difference in education methodology that exist between the institutions. As one of the best university in Romania it is our obligation to increase the quality of education at national level by implementing different new teaching methodologies.
The project will have an impact in increasing on long term cooperation between the Norwegian, Iceland and Romanian institutions, and  will offer the frame to organise mobilities and increase quality of education methodology between BBU and 8 Norwegian universities and University of Iceland.

The project will have the following the proposed objectives of the project:
- to increase the quality of the academic teaching quality
- to increase the cultural exposure of students and academic staff
- to increase the number of outgoing and incoming students mobilities to and from Norway and Iceland
- to increase the number of outgoing and incoming teaching and staff training mobilities to and from Norway and Iceland
- to increase the number of Roma beneficiaries participating in the program if they are enrolled to the lines of studies mentioned in the agreements.

The results in the project will be correlated with the approved budget, however in the proposal we mentioned the proposed set of actions for the sum requested.
The role of the donor partners will be:

  • signing the bilateral agreement
  • dissemination of the EEA grants to potential beneficiaries
  • selection of their outgoing students, teachers and administrative staff
  • organizing the mobilities for the outgoing beneficiaries
  • orgazing the incoming mobilities
  • to inform the beneficiary regarding: traveling, visa issues (if it is the case), assurance, mobility documents, credit transfer, recognition, etc.
  • to recognize the study abroad period;
  • to monitor the activities;
  • to evaluate the results obtained;
  • to disseminate the obtained results.

Summary of project results

Summary of bilateral results

On an overall level the project has an impact on the society by offering a better understanding between the Norwegian and Romanian cultures. However the impact is low, because the number of mobilities are low compared with the cooperation between Romania and France for example.Any exchange mobility is bringing changes in behavior and a better understanding of the surrounding environment. An overall study should be carried on at national level, taking into consideration all the mobilities not just the ones from one coordinator university.Even though the impact was lower because of the pandemic, the situation changed for the next flow of mobility.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.