Enhanced capacities and methodological support in prevention of domestic and gender-based violence

Project facts

Project promoter:
Office of the Government of the Czech Republic(CZ)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
The Alternative of Violence Foundation(NO)


The project aims to increase the capacity of the public administration to effectively combat domestic violence (DV) and gender-based violence (GBV) in the context of the implementation of the Istanbul Convention and of other relevant standards of the CoE.  Tools on prevention DV and GBV and protection of victims shall be further disseminated and their use by relevant stakeholders further increased. The project will enhance the capacity of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic to design, implement and evaluate measures on prevention of DV and GBV. Aiming at strengthening the capacity of public sector and civil society to prevent and combat DV and GBV in the Czech Republic the project shall advance the quality of assistance offered by police to victims of all forms of violence covered by the Istanbul Convention and contribute to understanding among education professionals and police officials and students on the online sexist hate speech.

 The project will, inter alia, include the following activities:

  • Methodological support and trainings of staff at ministries, regional and municipal offices on GBV. A monitoring system of the implementation of the Istanbul Convention will be proposed,
  • Prevention of sexual violence among youth through development of educational materials and educational activities and training of trainers,
  • Enhancing the use of the movie “Angry Man” in the work with children as witnesses of DV and development of a webpage with educational materials,
  • Mapping of laws and policies in the Czech Republic as regards on-line sexist hate speech and provide an analysis against Council of Europe standards,
  • Capacity building of police at regional to local levels to combat DV/GBV, including emerging forms of violence through e.g. introduction of the Police Handbook and development of trainers and
  • Bilateral cooperation through study visits with Alternative til Vold, including production of a unique handbook “Violence can be stopped”.

Summary of project results

The project addressed the growing issue of domestic and gender-based violence in the Czech society, highlighting the significant gaps in the current prevention system and the lack of public awareness and preventive measures. The objective of this project was to strengthen the capacity of the system to prevent and combat violence. The biggest challenge was the low interest in prevention workshops among representatives of municipalities.

The project promoter trained representatives of municipalities, representatives of public administration and pedagogical personel in the issue of domestic and gender-based violence. Altogether 419 workshops on elementary and high schools were realized across the Czech Republic. 16 workshops on using the Angry man movie were implemented throughout the project realization. The project promoter also visited the project partner in Norway and together they participated in 4 sessions of the Commission on the Status of Women. Two publications were published – the analysis of online sexism and a map study of online sexism.  The project promoter educated 252 policemen and policewomen. Each activity on its own contributed to elimination of domestic and gender based violence and new forms of this violence. All of them were vital and took part in improvement of the state of society in this field.

One of the most important outcomes of the project and at the same time an outcome which left the biggest influence among the target group, were the workshops on elementary and high schools in prevention of sexual violence. The project promoter trained 8,241 pupils and students across the Czech Republic and still was not able to answer the demand. 5 % of all of these workshops were organized in excluded locations. The biggest contribution of the project was the fact, that the project promoter trained various target groups in prevention of domestic and gender based violence and in how to provide help to them. At the same time the project promoter managed to strengthen capacities of the system on prevention and combat against these forms of violence by training deputies of self-governing bodies, NGOs, policemen and policewomen and teachers. Trainings on the usage of the movie Angry man ensure project sustainability in the future. 

Summary of bilateral results

The involvement of the partner was absolutely crucial for the functioning of the project. The partner brought their foreign expertise to the project and one of their representatives was at almost every training session on the use of the Angry Man film. In addition, the partner provided valuable consultations both for setting up training and for preparing international conferences and the participation of the Czech delegation in the meetings of the Commission for the Status of Women and the organization of side events at these meetings. In cooperation with a partner, several publications were also created for the use of the film Angry Man, which ensure the sustainability of the project in the future, and which are located on the website for the film Angry Man. The project promoter plans to maintain cooperation with the partner even after the end of the project. Thanks to the consultations that ATV provided to the Office, the promoter''s knowledge related to the prevention of domestic and gender-based violence was enriched. The consultations went beyond the use of the filmAngry Man and focused, among other things, on compliance with and fulfillment of the goal of the Gender Equality Strategy. As part of the partnership, several publications were published - a good practice brochure, methodical sheets for teachers on the film Angry Man, a notebook for schools on the use of the film and inspiration for using the film. Among other things, the partner trained 4 trainers of trainers in the use of the film, who are able to conduct training at the level of the partner''s representatives.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.