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The project will continue the support to Pro Monumenta and the system of preventive inspections of immovable cultural heritage developed under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014. The main aims are to further develop the system and make it sustainable, to raise awareness of the need for preventive maintenance of cultural heritage and to increase the competence and availability of craftsmanship.
Project activities shall include, inter alia, the following activities:
Monitoring of immovable cultural heritage by inspection;
Establishment of three regional training centres for training of craftsmen;
Enhancement of the three regional inspection teams and training of inspectors;
Purchase of small mobile workshops and drones equipped with cameras;
Cooperation and transfer of know-how with the donor partner to explore the establishment of a similar system for preventive inspections in Norway;
Communication of the project and the importance of preventive maintenance, including video tutorials on the maintenance of monuments and events in areas of cultural heritage.
Summary of project results
The project´s main aim was to follow-up the previous "Pro Monumenta - prevention by maintenance" pre-defined project. "Pro Monementa II" focused on the improvement of existing sustainable system and concept of preventive protection of national cultural monuments. It introduced an unique feature into the system of conservation care in Slovakia as it would bring continuous determination of the construction and technical conditions of cultural heritage monuments.
Moreover, it focused on the providing capacity building in the field of the traditional construction crafts in Slovakia and promoting these traditional crafts in the monuments conservation . Throught establising three training centres for education in the field of monuments conservation the project included various workshops and trainings for craftsmen and professionalists as well as monuments owners and/or operators.
The project "Pro Monumenta II" further developed and improved the sustainable system of preventive inspections of immovable cultural monuments in Slovakia. It improved the preventive protection of cultural monuments and also improved the knowledge of the current condition and technical status of the monuments in Slovakia. During the inspections the minor faults on the spot could be improved and the basic maintenance implemented. The project also focused on the improvement of the awareness and knowledge of owners or operators of the cultural monuments in field of tradition construction craft and tradional conservation practises. The activities of the project included adaption of old Monuments Boards premises in Trnava, Banská Štiavnica and Levoča to three modern training and educational centres and the seats of those three regional inspection teams. Each regional inspection team was strengthened by one new member and one smaller mobile workshop was purchased for each inspection team as well as drones equipped with cameras to make the technical inspections more efficient.
The project "Pro Monumenta II" contributed and continuously contributes to the improved state of the cultural heritage and its immovable object in Slovakia. At the same time, it improved and also continuosuly contributes to the better knowledge and awareness of the cultural monuments owners and operator as it provides the education in the field of traditional crafts and construction practices. It also provides the trainings for construction craftsmen so the owners, operators but also the craftsmen are benefitting from the project. The project increased the competence and availability of craftsmanship.
Summary of bilateral results
The continuation of the partnership between the Monuments Office of the Slovak Republic and Riksantikvaren resulted in an even greater strengthening of cooperation - it was also reflected in the solution of other joint projects outside the framework of EEA Grants. Possibilities of spreading the idea of preventive maintenance both in Norway and in other countries (Lithuania and most recently also Romania - finances from the Recovery and Resilience Plan). Exchange of experience with preventive maintenance of monuments and ways of preserving traditional construction crafts were the main results. It is foreseen to continue not only in joint predefined projects, but also in cooperation in solving similar problems in the field of the the protection of monuments.