2018-EY-PMIP-R1-0016_The Change Agent

Project facts

Project promoter:
Alba County School Inspectorate(RO)
Project Number:
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Alba County belongs to the Region of Development CENTER. The mobility project supports the Romanian preuniversitary field of education, the schools from Alba County, in increasing the quality of education, by training 10 school inspectors from Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Alba.
GO: To enhance the human capital and knowledge base in the Preuniversitary School Education field, through 10 school inspectors'' mobility from ISJ Alba in Norway.
OS1 Improving skills and competencies of the 10 school inspectors, in their field of service provision, enhancement of the quality of education and training by the mobility project/12 m
OS2 Improving skills in the areas of democracy, human rights and social inclusion of the 10 school inspectors, through exchange of good practice in NO, for professional development of teachers, by the mobility project/12 m
OS3 Increasing the quality of education, the level of cooperation and partnership between education and labour market for students inclusion in active life - models of excellence adapted from NO in RO, through the 10 school inspectors, in a mobility project/12 m
Participants in the project: 27 school inspectors/131 school teachers/2620 students/1965 parents.
Participants in the mobility:10 school inspectors from ISJ Alba.
Results: 10 school inspectors trained; 1 structured course+job shadowing; 3/local dissemination seminar
Impact: Improving skills and competences of the 10 school inspectors; Increasing the quality of education.
Long term benefits: European cooperation in the field of education; Improved skills in the areas of democracy, human rights, citizenship an social inclusion.

Summary of project results

The acquisition of new skills and competences through training programs with the participation of the experts from Alba County School Inspectorate is the main way to improve the quality of education in the 131 schools in the county, which are facing teaching difficulties adapted to students from disadvantaged areas, integrated in the educational system which does not motivate them, students who come from families with material and financial difficulties.
The activities carried out were as it follows: mobility for 10 school inspectors, training for the other school inspectors building "change teams", elaboration of materials used in training and informing campaigns, training of 131 teachers. The trained teachers informed the other teachers in each school about the project and the elaborated curricula, organising information campaigns for parents as well. The new curricula implementation has begun in 131 schools from Alba County by applying at each stage satisfaction questionnaires for the improvement of the project development. The information provided during the training campaign of the school inspectors from Alba County School Inspectorate, 133 teachers, information of other 2320 teachers, of those 4015, in the field of anti-discrimination, democracy, human rights, children''s rights as well as innovative working methods centered on student together with the implementation of the curricula for 2750 pupils from the target group, has brought real improvements of the difficulties encountered before the project was carried out, especially that related to the interest of children and parents in education.The project was a real success, considering the encouraging testimonials from all the participants in the project activities.
The curriculum was transmitted to all the County School Inspectorates in the country and were published electronically on the County School Inspectorate website. Various methods were used for promotion, such as press releases, project briefings in the media, newspapers and radio.


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.