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The benefits that the institution will have are related to the objectives of the project:
1. Improving the professional competences of 8 school inspectors that will take part in the mobility activities, in order to increase the quality of school education;
2. Developing a Good Practice Guide - Innovative Methods in the ECD/ EHR Practices;
3. Changing teaching attitudes in school environments by providing access to training activities on topics that will lead to building the profile of the democratic school by adapting the "training cascade" approach to a number of 18 school inspectors, 136 school principals, 150 teachers and parents.
The Neamt County School Inspectorate will promote the concept of democratic school system and an inclusive and creative learning environment for the schools in the Neamt county.
Reaching the goal of the project will lead to the achievement of the primary objective from the European Development Plan of Neamt County School Inspectorate, namely the improvement of the education of the Student which will lead to school success and preparation for life.
Summary of project results
The analysis of inspection reports highlighted a school management which does not work in all cases in optimal parameters, and the deficiencies identified are mostly focused on stakeholder involvement (principals, teachers, students, parents, authorities, businesses and other institutions).The institutional approach was achieved by training our experts to support the formation of a network of democratic schools in which all actors are involved in developing and implementing the institutional development plan in which diversity is a positive learning context and the teacher is a real agent of change.Ten school inspectors have experienced activities addressing different forms of training and applying new methods of working with students, school managers and teachers: 1) Building democratic school cultures - Wergeland, Norway, structured course and study visit - 4 school inspectors; 2) Teacher as a change agent – Newschool As., Norway, course structures and job shadowing - 4 school inspectors; 3) Diverse society - diverse classrooms, intercultural Iceland, structured course - 2 school inspectors. The results obtained that became resources of the institution are: Guide “Development of the education strategy for Democratic Citizenship in Dâmbovița County”; The materials created by the participants which lead to the improvement of the teaching-learning-evaluation process, tools constituting open education resources contained in the Toolbox with methods addressed to the teacher of the XXI century; A training course for teachers and school principals in the offer of In Service Teacher Training House; An optional course proposal called "Diversity"; Workshops, working meetings with representatives of schools and institutions. The network of schools creates shared place of positive experiences and can be considered an community open to change, aspects identifiable in the thematic inspections and evaluation stages of management staff in the school years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. All the educational resources created, monitoring tools and working tools, can be transferred to other projects or activities of Dambovița County School Inspectorate.