EY-COP-0082_Sustainable business, continuos learning and diversity

Project facts

Project promoter:
Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca(RO)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
University College of Southeast Norway(NO)


SUB-FLY is a bilateral cooperation between Babes-Bolyai University and University College of Southeast Norway, built on mutual exchange of bachelor students in business administration and cooperation between professors and researchers from the two academic institutions.Idea of the project is to facilitate cooperation, interaction and mobilities of students and staff between Norway and Romania, with the following 3 objectives, presented in order of their priority:1. Development of skills in international business for Romanian and Norwegian students.2. Improving the academic staff from both countries through cooperation and production of shared teaching methods and learning material, presented on the website of the program3. Development of joint research teams for topics like: New business models, Comparative accounting.Bachelor students in business administration are studying in their curricula aspects related to international business. This program will facilitate a practical approach for their study, contributing to: a better understanding of theory, development of abilities to work in a multicultural environment, reduction of gap between theoretical education and real needs of the labor market and direct interaction of students with business environment.We will develop a standardized form of student mobility based on lectures, business visits, assignments, debates and reports, which will make students get to know international business and will strengthen skills in business analysis, presentations and working in a multicultural environment. Norwegian students will form mixed groups with Romanian students working together under supervision of Romanian and Norwegian professors. Small scale seminars will be organized to get them introduced and to discuss research possibilities and directions, transfer of research results towards community, common research topics and research perspectives.

Summary of project results

Employers are looking for well-prepared graduates, universities being placed somewhere between. A gap between universities and business regarding education and its content is claimed. Filling it, is a shared responsibility.
SUBFLY has created a working environment between Norway and Romania. 5 mobility activities were implemented, 2 intellectual outputs were created and disseminated free of charge on project''s website, 2 articles were submitted to peer review publications, 3 new joint projects were explored (1 is already under implementation), information was disseminated in different environments, and a new program was inspired. The 6th mobility (from Norway to Romania) was not realized due to Covid 19.
71 NO students out of 120 planned and 17 RO compared to 14 planned were involved in mobilities. Students received trainings (13 trainings on interviewing a business expert, motivation, energy systems, project management, working in an international environment, business canvas) and coaching (5 sessions), interviewed business experts (5 Romanians, 2 Norwegians & 1 Dutch), visited companies (1 Norwegian and 4 Romanians), interacted with different cultures, and wrote reports on real business cases (3 different topics and 23 group projects). Interest of Romanian students was higher than anticipated, and 2 Norwegian students asked for an internship at one of the support companies of SUBFLY.
HEI’s staff worked for generating educational material (5 different courses) and 2 articles, evaluation of students’ reports (12 reports selected for dissemination) and 3 new cooperation topics. They improved pedagogical skills and networking.
Universities improved their image (by increasing number of joint projects and mobilities, cooperation with business environment), strengthened their partnerships and enhanced researched. Support companies contributed to the education and benefit from a pool of potential candidates.
By achieving the assumed results, motivation and satisfaction of all involved persons has increased. Each successful mobility was a small win, contributing to the overall satisfaction. Skills and competences gained or improved by students in SUBFLY transformed them in ambassadors of applied joint education. Commitment and satisfaction of staff are a strong foundation for long-term cooperation.

Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with USN as donor partner generated significant benefits for Romanian part, visible in different areas.Students worked in mixed teams, with people from different cultures and with different habits. Romanian students benefit from pedagogical methods used by Norwegian professors, shared knowledge, and sources of information with Norwegian students and experienced Norwegian-type structure for reports. Company visits offered them a new perspective on business models, processes, planning, and efficiency – aspects not always handled proper by Romanian entrepreneurs. Social activities and time spent in Norway opened a window to Norwegian lifestyle and their high standards of living. Romanian students joining Spring 2020 mobility had the opportunity to visit and experience top of the art Industry 4.0 Laboratory from Tinius Olsen. Romanian professors get in contact with applied teaching and research specific to USN.Assignments of each mobility and topics to be included in the International Business Module were a common decision of RO and NO staff. Part of International Business Module, evaluation of the 23 reports and both submitted articles are results of joint work.Understanding the importance of planning and work discipline is an important achievement for some of the Romanians.Three new cooperation opportunities have been identified and prepared for financing. Students Democracy received financing from EEA Grants under the contract 19-COP-0042 and is under implementation. Research project on Destination Development and cooperation project on Industry 4.0 were rejected, but both parts are committed to improve applications and to implement the ideas.Cooperation is already continued by Students Democracy project. Commitment and excellent cooperation are premises for long term and successful cooperation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.