Improving national asylum and migration system

Project facts

Project promoter:
General Inspectorate for Immigration(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian Directorate of Immigration(NO)
Other Project Partners
General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations(RO)
General Inspectorate of Romanian Border Police(RO)
General Inspectorate of the Romanian Gendarmerie(RO)
Police Academy ''Alexandru Ioan Cuza(RO)
Romanian Information Service(RO)


The project shall support the efforts of Romania to improve the response capacity in the instance of a mass influx of migrants, with a special focus on the protection of vulnerable immigrants and unaccompanied minors. The main activities in the project will be the improvement of reception facilities by rehabilitating/rebuilding two integrated centres for migrants, modernizing PP''s datacenter and IT infrastructure (including enhancing the capacity of the data processing, bandwidth and flows), implementing a platform for issuing of temporary identity documents training of staff, and exchange of expertise and lessons learned with Norwegian project partners in migrant''s management and technical support.
The PDP will be supported by a Small Grant Scheme for information and awareness campaigns.

Summary of project results

The project’s general objective is related to strengthening the asylum and migration system in Romania in order to ensure the necessary administrative capacity for managing crisis situations, to ensure better direct support to migrants and asylum seekers.

One of the main achievements is the establishment of 2 modernized integrated contingency centers for a massive influx of migrants at Border Police Sector Lunga (in Timis county) and Coast Guard (in Constanta). Both of them have been endowed with metal containers as offices, surrounding fence, furniture and IT equipment necessary to perform activities specific for the migration center (card printers, laptops, word stations, printers and cameras). This achievement shall contribute to the increase of the operational capacity of GII and GIBP when faced with an afflux of migrants at the border.

6 information electronic systems have been purchased and installed in the GII regional migration and asylum centers for a better informing of the asylum seekers of their rights and obligations during the asylum procedure, and also regarding the assistance they can benefit from. PP completed almost all the soft project activities, achieving 19 training sessions, 13 experience exchange and study visits, 14 BESA training curriculum modules, 14 national disseminations and 5 thematic country sheets managing information from the countries of origin (ITO) & dedicated work tools.  Therefore, through the training activities organized  the PP reached a total of 1648 professionals.

Output 1.1: Modernized Integrated Contingency Centers, in case of massive influx of migrants, beneficiaries the asylum seekers

Output 1.3: GII’s IT infrastructure upgraded (data center, unitary system for increasing efficiency in issuing temporary identity documents, data exchange, electronic case handling and information system for asylum seekers) beneficiaries the asylum seekers.

Output 1.5: Thematic training sessions on provided for staff of Ministry of Internal Affairs, beneficiaries GII personnel 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.