FBR_OC1_30 - How to make Opera more attractive and acessible?

Bilateral initiative facts

Curso de Música Silva Monteiro(PT)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Preparation of partnership project or application
Bergen National Opera(NO)


The main aim of this initiative is to plan together a  application for the programm "Connecting Dots", an EEA Grants programm for Culture. The project for this programm will be about how to make Opera more attractive and accesible.
This inniciative intention is to make two weeks of meetings to brainstorm about the problem, and finding shared solutions to propose in the project/future application
1) The first meetings will be held in Bergen (Norway) 
2) The second round of meetings will be held in Porto (Portugal)
Each week of meetings will have two representatives of each institution and will have

Summary of the results

The initiative aimed to plan an application for the "Connection Dots" program based on how to make the Opera more accessible and attractive.

In this initiative, meetings were held in Norway, Porto and Azores, with the aim of looking for partners, finding joint sollutions for the Opera project and preparing an application.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.