Travel grant in the area of Green industry innovation and ICT

Bilateral initiative facts

Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology(LT)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
OtherTravel support to participate in matchmaking events or conducting individual visits


The objective of the Travel Support is to facilitate establishment of partnerships between Norwegian and Lithuanian enterprises, which could serve as the starting point for bilateral projects under one of the priority areas of the Programme (i.e. green industry innovation or ICT). The support will be granted to entities which qualify as either project promoters or partners (applicants from Norway) under the upcoming calls and who intend to participate in matchmaking events or individual visits, the aim of which is to present an initial project idea for potential partners and to determine if

Summary of the results

During the initiative, there were many meetings between potential partners who continued their cooperation either through Norwaygrants or without a financing mechanism

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.