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The Commission of Historians has published its findings in 8 books, all of them in German language and in Czech translation. Among them is the Summary Report, translated also in Czech language (Brno 2014). This Summary Report should be published also in English. The book will be publicly presented, in Liechtenstein at Vaduz, and in the Czech Republic at Brno/CZ. The Report will be distributed for free to libraries, universities, and governments. The book will be put also on the Commission''s common Website. By publishing the results of the work of the bilateral Commission of Historians in
Summary of the results
Cooperation between partners the Historischer Verein für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, and the FL-CZ Commission of Historians was smooth. The flollowing activites were perforemed : The preparation of the English Edition of the „Czech-Liechtenstein Relations Past and Present, A Summary Report by the Czech-Liechtenstein Commission of Historians", the checking of the English translation from German and Czech by all the Commission members, the presentation in the Czech Republic in Brno, the announcement of the presentation in Vaduz, the distribution of the printed Summary Report as well as putting it on the Commission’s website. This all has strenghtened bilateral relations in terms of shared results, improved knowledge and mutual understanding of the common past and present, and now also better knowledge throughout the world. A main challenge consisted in keeping in time, because proofreading of the English translation took more time than thought of. Thus a prolongation was approved until end of March 2020. The public presentation in Brno on November 19, 2019 has given publicity in the Czech Republic. The planned presentation in Vaduz could not take place yet due to the Covid-19 issue. Further cooperation is expected. Archives, museums, lecturers, cultural institutions and also touristic sites of both countries are in contact and will continue to stay in exchange.