The records on HIV infection in Romania show a cumulative 17,819 unique cases of HIV/AIDS from 1985 to June 2012. HIV infection is one of the most serious potential health risks for injecting drug users. The number of HIV cases in Romania increased dramatically from 3 to 5 cases annually from 2007 to 2009 to 131 cases in 2011 and to 231 confirmed HIV/AIDS new cases among injecting drug users in 2012. The project aims to stop the spread of HIV, Hepatitis B, and C among injecting drug users and to increase the effectiveness of screening programs of high risk population groups. The expected results of the project are: 2,000 injecting drug users receive integrated harm reduction services; 2,000 injecting drug users that are HIV positive and homeless, women will participate in the needle exchange programs; 2,000 HIV tests delivered; 2,000 injecting drug users receive primary social support, in order to reduce their vulnerability; 12,650 patients will be tested for HIV, Hepatitis B and C; 100 specialists trained as trainers for other specialists; 5 000 general practitioners trained and involved in the project; 10,000 teenagers receive information about HIV, Hepatitis B and C.
Summary of project results
The records on HIV infection in Romania show a cumulative 17,819 unique cases of HIV/AIDS from 1985 to June 2012. HIV infection is one of the most serious potential health risks for injecting drug users. The number of HIV cases in Romania increased dramatically from 3 to 5 cases annually from 2007 to 2009 to 131 cases in 2011 and to 231 confirmed HIV/AIDS new cases among injecting drug users in 2012. The project aims to stop the spread of HIV, Hepatitis B, and C among injecting drug users and to increase the effectiveness of screening programs of high risk population groups. The project aims: - to increase the access of vulnerable (most of risk populations) groups to primary and secondary prevention programs for HIV, HVB, HVC; - to control HIV, HVB, HVC, by stopping the spread of HIV, HVB, HVC infections among injecting drug users and by increasing the effectiveness of screening for HIV/HVB/HVC to people belonging to high risk groups. The main achievements were: 15215 persons from which 8572 Roma were informed to reduce the harm of drug use; 1,000 HIV tests were made for intravenous drug users; 400,000 condoms were distributed; 1,000,000 disposable syringes were provided for intravenous drug users to reduce the risk of infection with HIV, HCV and HCV. There were recovered and incinerated 261160 syringes. A large part of these actions were targeting Roma population; 37,500 tests for detecting infections of HIV, HBV, HCV in the general population with risk factors for chronic infections were finalized. A large part of these actions were targeting Roma population. The data regarding the patients tested are recorded in the national database registry. 337 specialists were trained as trainers for other specialists involved in medical services offered to the general population and also risk populations; 10,741 general doctors from all 8 regional centres have taken part in online training course; Information and education campaign finalized (on TV, radio, facebook, website, conferences, etc); It was observed a change of behaviour and a very high interest for this project. For example, the 37,500 tests for HIV, HVB and HVC were finalized in 2 weeks due to the high number of interested persons although it was planned to be performed in 6 months.
Summary of bilateral results