Increase the Capacity of the Romanian Health Sector to Implement Organized Screening for Cancers Amenable To Cost-Effective Early Detection Interventions

Project facts

Project promoter:
Institute for Oncology 'Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuţă', Cluj-Napoca (IOCN)
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Young adults
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 1,730,174
The project is carried out in:


The overall cancer burden, as reflected by the standardized mortality rates, is higher in Romania (181/100.000) than in the EU (169/100.000). While largely preventable/amenable to down-staging, breast and cervix cancers remain among the top cancer killers for Romanian men and women. It is estimated that that these three pathologies account for 4.7% Years of Life Lost (YLL) in Romania, equivalent of 272.000 YLL only in 2010. Cancer screening programs can save lifes, productivity, and money spent by the individual and society to treat advanced stages of disease. The main results of the project are: 1 feasibility study defined, guidelines and procedures, 10000 PAP tests, 5000 mammographies, 30 persons trained for the management of cancer screening programs, 2 reports on the distribution of chronic diseases, 100 participants in 2 project conferences, 1 functional mobile unit, and 2 consultation meetings with patient associations in the dissemination of the information.

Summary of project results

The overall cancer burden, as reflected by the standardized mortality rates, is higher in Romania (181/100.000) than in the EU (169/100.000). While largely preventable/amenable to down-staging, breast and cervix cancers remain among the top cancer killers for Romanian men and women. It is estimated that that these three pathologies account for 4.7% Years of Life Lost (YLL) in Romania, equivalent of 272.000 YLL only in 2010. Cancer screening programs can save lifes, productivity, and money spent by the individual and society to treat advanced stages of disease. The estimated results of the project are: 1 feasibility study defined, guidelines and procedures, 10000 PAP tests, 5000 mammographies, 30 persons trained for the management of cancer screening programs, 2 reports on the distribution of chronic diseases, 100 participants in 2 project conferences, 1 functional mobile unit, and 2 consultation meetings with patient associations in the dissemination of the information. The main results of the project are: feasibility study of screening for breast cancer was finalized, guidelines and procedures for support / software implementation of two organized screening programs have been defined and were disseminated in the body of health professionals, there were carried out over 10000 PAP tests and 5000 mammograms with dual reading and arbitration, 2000 HPV test performed, 30 people have been trained to manage cancer screening programs, 2 reports on the distribution of chronic diseases are finalized, all the three mobile units are fully functional and has made over 100 visits to Roma communities and other isolated / disadvantaged communities with the purpose of information and sampling tests, 2 conference for launching and closing the project were organized with 811 participants. For additional information please visit For the sustainability of the project, a Government Decision was issued for the adoption of the National Cancer Control Plan in the period 2016-2020.The project will be continued by other similar projects financed under EU Structural Funds 2014-2020 but also by a new project financed within European Public Health Challenges Programme- EEA Grants 2014-2021.

Summary of bilateral results

Within this partnership, “Ion Chiricuta“ Institute of Oncology Cluj-Napoca benefited from Norway protocols on QA/QC mainly in cancer registration and HPV primary screening, informed consent, self-sampling. During visits our cancer registry experts, screening managers, radiologists, gynaecologists, pathologists, technicians benefited of theoretical and practical models of specific activities on best practice level, very important for the process of planning-piloting-rollout of implementation and monitoring same activities in Romania in the ongoing and future programmes. Strong professional relations and even friendship relations were established between Romanian and Norwegian experts who co-worked in different groups on specific activities defined within project, and sustainability is propose in the future in further other projects on EEA Grants 2014-2021 related to cancer registration and screening.