Mobility Project No.3

Project facts

Project promoter:
'Lucian Blaga' University of Sibiu
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 9,045
The project is carried out in:


The internationalization strategy of the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu supports the following directions: courses, research, learning and teaching activities, as well as student and academic staff mobilities. The objective of this project is to create sustainable networks and to enhance the international cooperation capacity between universities from EEA states through academic mobility, increased recognition and improvement of staff skills. Based on previously gained experience and by sharing know-how techniques staff participation is recognized through involvement in new international projects. Direct beneficiaries will be students, academic and administrative staff. A special attention will be given to the Roma citizens in order to reduce social and financial disparities. Our donor project partners, the University of Liechtenstein and the University of Iceland, will facilitate a very close cooperation for the best implementation of this mobility project, in order to achieve the objectives of the project. The partnership will ensure a fruitful cooperation of mutual benefit and seek to strengthen bilateral relations.

Summary of project results

The project was needed as part of "Lucian Blaga" University's (LBUS) Internationalization Strategy, in which students and academic staff mobilities play an important role. The project objective was to increase the number of partnerships and mobilities between Romania and the donor states. One student in the field of engineering (at Doctoral level) and one staff member from the beneficiary university participated in the project and were hosted by the University of Liechtenstein. The project encouraged transnational learning and practice for the student and staff member, and offered opportunities for training and job shadowing for the administrative staff participant. Together, LBUS and the donor project partners encouraged best practices to improve the quality of education, which strengthened the links with donor states and promoted intercultural dialogue. The main benefits of the mobilites includes the experience of a different educational environment (both in terms of curricula and culture), improved foreign language proficiency, and the development of transversal skills to increase employment opportunities and improved skills and qualifications of teachers and staff. Following the project LBUS undertook a great variety of activities designed to improve curricula and introduced new topics and courses through transnational collaboration between universities.The project created sustainable networks and enhanced international cooperation capacity between universities from EEA states.

Summary of bilateral results

The project encouraged and facilitated a very close cooperation between LBUS and donor state partners for the best implementation of the mobility project, in order to achieve the mentioned objectives of the project. The partners offered adequate support to our student and teacher in order to ensure a smooth fulfillment of the mobility. The internationalization of studies, and the ability to keep up with European educational development, is an important part of LBUS' education strategy. The partnerships with donor states is therefore of high value as the donor states have a lot of experience in developing curricula in line with European development. Overall, the partnership ensured a fruitful cooperation of mutual benefit and has strengthened the bilateral relations between Romania and the three donor states Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.