"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu internationalization strategy is developed to support the following directions: courses, research, learning and teaching activities, institutional development as well as students/academic staff mobilities. Our university gives great importance to students/teachers mobilities and ensures the non-discriminating aspect, as race, religion, sex, disability – social and economic, among the beneficiaries selected for mobility. The project will increase mobility as well as to strengthen the academic cooperation between Romania and donor states. Enlargement of mobility programs will foster internationalization for all beneficiaries, adding quality improvement to curricula and helping create more innovative and flexible learning environments. The objective of project is to create sustainable networks and to enhance the international cooperation capacity between universities from EEA states, through the academic mobility, the improvement of transparency and recognition of studies and also through the improvement of staff skills and qualifications.. Direct beneficiaries will be students, in all cycles of studies, who will have the chance to experience a new study/practice environment, which will ensure a smoother inclusion on the labor market. Also academic staffs, both teachers and administrative staffs, will experience new methods of teaching and job shadowing, having the opportunity afterwards to use the acquired knowledge in their future career and activities. A special attention will be given to the Roma citizens in order to reduce social and financial disparities. The roles of the partners will be to provide relevant support to staff and students participating in the mobilities and to ensure that that the cooperation will lead to sustainable and balanced outcomes for all the involved partners.Partnership will ensure a fruitful cooperation of mutual benefit and will strengthen the bilateral relations between Romania and donor states.
Summary of project results
During the academic year 2014 - 2015 at "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu the number of mobilities performed through EEA Financial Mechanism was increased as compared with the number of mobilities of the previous year. For ensuring the sustainability of the project results "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu has submitted a new project application for mobilities for the next academic year thus we are positive that the number of mobilities will be increased. The project objective was to strengthen the academic cooperation between Romania and donor states Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein and to raise the number of mobilities both of students and academic staff. During the academic year 2014 - 2015 a number of four students and four academic staff benefitted of a study, placement, teaching or training mobility. Based on the successful mobilities of our students and academic staff we can observe an improvement of the bilateral relations with the universities from the donor states, as representatives of partner universities have expressed their wish to perform a teaching or training mobility at "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu in the next year. 8 students, in all cycles of studies, had the chance to experience a new study and practice environment thus ensuring higher chances of a smoother inclusion on the labor market. 5 academic staffs, both teachers and administrative staffs, have experienced new methods of teaching and job shadowing, having the opportunity afterwards to use the acquired knowledge in their future career and activities. Also, by the gained experience teachers and academic staff have ensured internationalization at home for non-mobile students.The partnership project has established a fruitful cooperation of mutual benefit and strengthened the bilateral relations between Romania and donor states, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. It also contributed to an increased number of mobilities as compared with the previous year.
Summary of bilateral results
The partnership ensured a fruitful cooperation of mutual benefit and has strengthened the bilateral relations between Romania and donor states, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu undertook a great variety of activities designed to improve curricula and introduced new topics and courses through transnational collaboration between universities. One of the main goals of "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu was the internationalization of studies, thus "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu strives to keep up with the EU education development, in order for students to have the best conditions to reach for contemporary European education, for mobile students as well as for those who didn`t have the chance to benefit of a study or practice mobility. The bilateral relations developed between the mobility project have been consolidated by the spin-off effects like new cooperation projects, research articles, joint conferences, exchanges of good practices, etc.