This project is in line with the strategies of the University of Craiova's internationalization policy, which aims to increase staff and students mobility activities. Through the project the institutions involved will work together in order to encourage collaboration in areas of educational interest. The academic exchanges will enhance each party’s educational and academic programmes, encouraging an exchange of knowledge and skills, best practices and academic materials in fields of mutual interest.The beneficiaries of mobility activities are expected to disseminate the results of their exchange experience within their academic community. The target groups are the staff and students of the institutions involved in the project. The role of the donor partner is important for providing support to foster academic exchange and international cooperation. Moreover, the role of the partner is to contribute to the drawing upon realistic and achievable objectives and to their implementation through common actions. The partnership will achieve mutual enrichment, whereas participants will explore new teaching methods, and pursue related research interest. Also, the partnership aims to update curricula and improve academic management.
Summary of project results
The mobility project was needed both for institutional purposes (enhanced cooperation with top-flight universities in Norway and Iceland, reinforcement of internationalization) and for ensuring the academic and personal development of the involved staff, who through the project have become acquainted with relevant good practice. There were seven outgoing mobilities; two student mobilities within the field of engineering from the University of Craiova to Buskerud University College, one teaching staff mobility to Buskerud University College, and four training staff mobilities, of which two traveled to Buskerud University College and two to Bifrost University and Nesna University College. Additionally, there was one incoming teaching staff mobility from Buskerud University College to the University of Craiova. The results of this enriching experience will be sustained and propagated within the University of Craiova through enhanced knowledge and research excellence. The main tangible outputs of the project consist in the mobility reports drawn up by the beneficiary teaching staff and students, with a view to documenting their experience and achievements. Furthermore, the acquired knowledge and experience amounts to highly valuable intangible outputs.The outcome of the mobility project refers to the mobilities undertaken by the students and teaching staff of the University of Craiova and its Norwegian and Icelandic partners. Good practice exchange was the major outcome of the project and it was fully reached. At a wider encompassing level, this professional development has resulted in the implementation of new internationalization practices to the benefit of the academic staff as well as the students.
Summary of bilateral results
The results of this enriching experience will be sustained and propagated within the University of Craiova, through enhanced knowledge and research excellence.The partnership has helped strengthen bilateral relations and enhance inter-institutional cooperation. Good practices were exchanged both in academic (computer science) and transversal fields (international relations, research, teaching staff training development). The outcome of the mobility project refers to the mobilities undertaken by the students and teaching staff of the University of Craiova and its Norwegian and Icelandic partners. Good practice exchange was the major outcome of the project and it was fully reached. At a wider encompassing level, this professional development has resulted in the implementation of new internationalization practices to the benefit of the academic staff as well as the students.