The "KNowReset" project need is to increase the quality of research in socio-economic field. The current problems are reflected by the gap in research between Romania and other Member States. The biggest challenge is to reduce this gap through increase of publications quality and involvement of staff and students in socio-economic research according to National Strategies. Project objectives: 1. Knowledge generation and exploitation through poles of excellence. 2. Realization of theoretical and exploratory research studies. 3. Improving educational offer, innovation capacity and transferring innovative approaches. 4. Organization and stimulation of fundamental and advanced academic research. 5. Research valuation in order to recover the existing gaps. 6. Transferring research results. Outcomes: improved English language skills, improved confidence in accessing a research career, an increased publications number. Outputs: 1 Synthetic study, 2 Mixed research teams, 1 Synthetic study, 1 Good Practice Guide, 2 Joint summer schools, 2 Joint Workshops, 3 Debating meetings, 1 International annual competition, 1 Development strategy, 1 joint conference, 5 joint publications, 1 web page. Target group: Students, PhD students, Postdoctoral Research Fellows and Individual Researchers. The donor partner: University of Iceland, Role: to add value to the socio-economic research through information, experiences, project results and good practices exchange. Partnership achievement: future sustainability through creation and development of a transnational incubator for advanced, exploratory and interdisciplinary research in the socio-economic field, all the partners having partnership benefits.
Summary of project results
This project was focused on both, transfer of good practice and institutional development. Human capital development was achieved by international mobility of staff and target group, increasing the interest on research in order to cover the educational gap and raise the level for international competitiveness, and also by dealing with social sustainability issues referring to discrimination and improvement of Roma population situation, by performing visits aiming to initiate projects that address other social sustainability issues and raising awareness on the importance of education.The Project facilitated the creation and development of a transnational incubator for advanced, exploratory and interdisciplinary research in the socio-economic environment. This main objective was attained through a strong institutional cooperation between the project partners which led to the improvement of teaching and research practices by transferring innovative approaches oriented to human capital development, and also towards the development of new research projects proposals and publication of joint studies and articles.The main outcome refers to changes, benefits and knowledge transferred between the project partners in order to ensure human capital development and improvement of the educational offer, teaching and research skills, especially in the Romanian educational and research system, and also to ensure the development of an excellence pole in socio-economic research. Throughout the project implementation stage various research teams (formed by young researchers and advanced researchers, students and researchers, international teams) were trained, participations and presentations of research papers were realised during international scientific events, and also a couple of participations in events specific to NGOs and Roma communities (with members of disadvantaged communities) took place.According to the members of the Icelandic team point of view, the level of research in Romania is high in terms of methodologies and data analysis. As the project was focused on both social and economic research, the Romanian partners were more specialised on economic topics and the Icelandic partner was experienced on political and social topics.
Summary of bilateral results
The project contributed to good governance, gender equality and bilateral relations development, having a direct impact on the social dimension of development. The human capital development of the staff involved in the organization of project activities and events reduce the educational and social gap, raising the level of international competitiveness supporting the Romanian academic and social system. In terms of the institutions involved, the project facilitated composing a more sustainable framework for institutional development through which the partner institutions share good practices. More project proposals will be jointly written by the members of this project team, or between them and other experts with whom relationships were build and strengthen during the project implementation stage. New articles or studies will be developed over time and presented and/or published in the international knowledge flow, increasing the visibility of the researchers involved in their development. One of the project activities focused on integrating research teams in the international flow of scientific debate through a series of bilateral agreements concluded over the project implementation period. These agreements came as a first step in a future collaboration or as a way of strengthening the existing ones. As a direct result of bilateral agreements, the beneficiary realised joint projects in order to attract other funding sources, got support in organizing scientific events such as conferences. The partnership led to improving educational offer in Public Sector Governance and raising awareness of young people on public sector, citizenship, advocacy and volunteering, while transferring innovative approaches between the institutional partners, oriented towards human capital development in order to meet the need for international competitiveness in the Romanian academic education and research system.