The young people/youths, consider the act of reading to be less and less attractive. Fewer and fewer teenagers do private reading in their own free time. Some of the main reasons are: they don’t have time, they are not interested in this activity at all or they are drawn by PCs/tablets and not by books. The results of a study, conducted by Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy in 2011 come in support of the above affirmations: one in five Romanians has read the last book more than one year ago, 2% of them read books only for school or college and 22% admit that they do not read at all. The internet and audiobooks tend to largely replace the paper books. In people’s minds, the act of reading has become an activity that is associated with old school/old practice. ‘’Stories Incubator” wants to change or at least help change the trend identified by the above mentioned study. The effort will be focused on helping the high school teenagers become familiar with the act of reading and more than that, to encourage those who have potential to manifest themselves through writing. The project aims to promote literature as a tool of the intercultural dialogue and as an integral part of the European culture and identity and has among its specific objectives: the promoting of contemporary Romanian and Norwegian literature and writers among young audiences. The results of the project will be three press conferences and two public reading sessions. Two contemporary Romanian writers will be invited and promoted at the public reading sessions. The project will also organize one literary creation workshop, one seminar Introduction to modern and contemporary Norwegian literature, one literary creation contest, 1000 magazines "Very Young Literature Magazine”; Promoting Intercultural Dialogue (50 copies of the magazine translated into Norwegian and distributed through the Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies to Norwegian cultural organizations).
Summary of project results
The project aimed to prevent the decrease of literary works reading amongst teenagers. The project objectives related to an increased awareness of contemporary literary works and an increased number of opportunities to promote contemporary literature were achieved in a satisfactory manner. The project has met the two assumed objectives: promoting of contemporary Romanian literature and writers among the young audience. Thus, more than 100 students met with two contemporary writers. The second one was the promoting of contemporary Norwegian literature and writers among young audiences. 30 young people attended the Norwegian Literature Seminar sustained the achievement of this objective. The project promoter organized 5 different events for public lecture, literary creation and presentation of Norwegian literature, 1200 copies of a publication were printed and 200 copies of a publication with Norwegian literature were printed, too. 100 copies of the publication were sent to the Norwegian organizations. The most important benefit of the project is to improve young people's perception of contemporary Romanian and Norwegian literature.
Summary of bilateral results