According to project team’s documentation, multicultural art and cultural ethnic diversity are subjects that are missing or are poorly promoted in the educational curriculum of Art schools. Moreover, European policies urge EU member states to implement different strategies and systems focusing on developing intercultural dialogue and increasing awareness on multiculturalism and diversity. Documenting the project team showed that in the curriculum of artistic institutions the concept of multiculturalism or art multicultural is not promoted enough or is missing which can lead to limited access of pupils and students to information character education in regarding the artistic diversity of ethnic communities in Romania. The Centre acts as a favorable environment for young people to practice their artistic skills, create valuable artistic products, and also organise events and exhibitions, thus aiming to promote multiculturalism. The events contribute to greater intercultural dialogue, as a response to the need for increased social cohesion by promoting anti-discrimination and acceptance of diversity. The project involves 105 young students and pupils who are trained in multiculturalism, diversity and cultural management, and participate in art workshops where they create artistic works on multicultural themes and also organise and attend events and exhibitions within the Centre and the ethnically diverse communities. 500 people will attend the events and exhibitions: 300 at the 6 events organised within the Centre and 200 people at events in the ethnically diverse communities with low access to cultural activities. The outcomes include: 384 creative workshops; 2 theatre plays; 2 audiovisual productions; 40 traditional clothes; 6 specific choreographies; 12 visual arts products; 12 musical compositions; 6 cultural events within the Centre.
Summary of project results
Although Romania is a very diverse country, there is very little information regarding the ethnic and cultural minorities that compose it in the school curricula. By this project, the promoter and its partner aimed to train students from art schools in issues regarding cultural minorities and to produce object of art that are inspired from the culture and traditions of the national minorities in Romania. The main deliverables achieved within the project were 319 students attended 404 workshops on theater, visual arts, photo-video, choreography, music, fashion design etc. In total, 86 art works were produced: 4 drama plays, 6 audio-visual works, 40 pieces of clothing, 6 dance plays, 18 visual arts works and 12 musical plays. The audience of the project was also very important, as 853 people attended 10 events that were organized during the project. The online campaign in order to promote the events and the activities of the project reached 3475 people who interacted through the social media page. The website of the project had 3732 unique visitors during it implementation. Regarding the documentation component, 21 training sessions on multiculturalism were held by the experts of the project. The beneficiaries of the project became more aware of the cultural diversity of Romania. They received relevant information on issues regarding discrimination, stigma, prejudices etc., and they were familiarized with the cultures and the traditions of the national minorities that brought an important contribution to the Romanian culture: the Hungarians, the Roma, the Germans, the Jews, the Armenians etc. All the information acquired during the trainings inspired the pieces of art that were delivered through the project and that were presented to the general public. In whole, the project contributed to a better understanding of the diversity of the Romanian culture and to promoting tolerance and mutual respect between the several cultural and ethnic identities.
Summary of bilateral results