Intercultural Connections - young people are rediscovering their cultural heritage

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 12,033
The project is carried out in:


The project intends to enhance and promote the cultural history of minorities from the South-Western region of Romania, including the Roma minority; to ellaborate documenting and informing materials, organize intercultural events involving minorities, experience exchanges and training sessions on intercultural dialogue. Direct beneficiaries of the project are the 20 young people and the multiethnic local communities the region. There is also a large number of indirect beneficiaries targeted by this project: the public from Romania and from abroad, and people interested in new kinds of tourism, including cultural, subject oriented tourism or combinations of ecological, rural, religious and gastronomic tourism. A facebook page and the website of the project will provide constant feedback on the impact of the project and a cultural history guide will contribute in promoting the local patrimony, fostering intercultural dialogue and collaboration in the area, offering a modern and comprehensive basis for developing cultural tourism along the Danube, in the South – Western region of Romania.

Summary of project results

The cultural diversity from the area and less promoting of the ethnical communities who live here were the reasons that conduct to the idea of this project and generated our project objectives. During a training course 23 youngsters developed journalistic competences and gained direct experience inside communities during cultural exchanges. Increasing the involvement of local communities in order to promote local values and history was achieved through participation of people from ethnical communities during cultural exchanges, the world café event and the events (4 thematic days) that promote the guide launch. The cultural visibility of this 5 ethnical communities increased through the project site and the Facebook materials that were posted which raised the visitors interest regarding the traditions of the area not only its geographical beauty. The project aimed the following results: increasing cooperation between ethnical communities; promoting the cultural heritage of our area by 23 youngsters from 5 ethnical communities; creating a website and Facebook page to promote the project and results; producing a guide and an e-guide with old stories, customs, craftsmen and traditional recipes;, organizing 5 cultural exchanges; implementing a 3 days training for 23 youngsters; organizing in each community an one-day event; a national promotion of the project; involving 2 different local channels during the activities; setting up one mobile exhibition in each community, organizing an event in order to analyze the local cultural The beneficiaries of the project were 23 youngsters, 5 ethnical communities: Romanians, Roma, Serbians, Germans, Czechs. The most visible change inside communities consisted of increasing their interest regarding their local stories revealed and promoting them. During journalistic research all the 5 ethnical communities rediscovered their old traditional costumes and objects, family pictures, memories used to produce the guide. Inhabitants participation to all the final events organized in each community raised their interest in the future similar. Youngsters raised their awareness of the cultural heritage that exists in Danube area and they were pioneers in this research process. They experimented their own and other community traditions.

Summary of bilateral results