The Zabujal fortress is part of the Linhas de Torres Vedras, a military defence ring constructed by General Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, during the Peninsular War. The fortress lines were constructed in less than a year (1809-10) and in high secrecy to defend Lisbon against Napoleon's forces.
The Linhas de Torres Vedras consists of 152 fortresses (stonework fortresses, land redoubts, small forts and batteries), quarters and escarpments, and had a total of 427 firing positions. The fortress lines have until now been partially ruined and threatened by erosion and human intervention in the form of dissonant elements such as communications antennas, wind generators, etc.
The restoration has led to the establishment of a new historical sightseeing route which will teach tourists and local visitors alike about the era and the role of the fortress lines in preventing a French invasion during the Napoleonic wars.
The restoration project has been carried out by the Torres Vedras Municipal Chamber, an association representing six adjoining municipalities, in cooperation with the Directorate General for National Monuments and Heritage Sites (DGEMN), the Institute of Architectural Heritage (IPPAR) and the Infrastructure Direction of the Portuguese Army.
The opening event was covered by the nation-wide newspapers Diário de Notícias, Público and Expresso (in Portuguese).