The project aims to increase cultural dialogue and safeguard European identity by promoting an increased understanding of cultural diversity, including artist and performers with disabilities and the acceptance by society. By including artists and performers with disabilities, the project helps increase society's acceptance of them as members and their integration into society. Disabled person’s elements of culture include: their development and humor, their history, language and symbols, their point of view on the world, beliefs and values, and their strategies for survival and acceptance. The festival will run for 5 days and be dedicated to theatre performances, film, dance and music. The project partner will contribute with theatre expertize, and prepare the artistic event " Get to know us before before you judge us". The partner will also support and promote the campaign for the project, the project activities and its results.
Summary of project results
According to the IPP Data Research by the Institute of Public Policies (IPP) between 9th to 16th of April 2011, Romanians seems to be tolerance towards people with disabilities, but do not give them a chance to their integration into society. Researches show that Romanians do not perceive people with disabilities as equal to other people in society, but as people born with an abnormality (88%), people needing of support in making decisions (64%), persons that can not be responsible for their own actions (59%). Through its activities, the Art for Change project changed preconceived ideas about people with disabilities and created equal opportunities of participation in cultural life of people who are not offered too many opportunities in society. By raising awareness of disability and the benefits that diversity offers, we created new opportunities for people with disabilities and we generated a positive impact in the community. The great achievement of this project was the festival that last 4 days. The first day was dedicated to the theater, the second day to the “Art for Change” film, the third and fourth day to dance and music. This festival went on stage over 220 amateur and professional artists, with and without disabilities. It was a multicultural festival, successfully combining elements of Romanian, Hungarian and Roma people traditional culture values. Through this project, the Art for Change Festival have contributed to changing the image about people with disabilities, we have demonstrated that these people want and can have a normal life and thus enjoy the appreciation of others. Our message was that society can have only profits from their integration in the labor market, in mainstream education, cultural life and in public policy and that people with disabilities can overcome their disability through theater, dance and music. The Art for Change project and festival have created a welcoming environment, have developed practices that benefit all people, where community members could gain awareness about those people that are different from each other in many ways. Everybody was able to understand, appreciate these differences, influencing success as individuals, as community and society member. Through art it was promoted diversity, equal opportunities, conveying the message that discrimination is a barrier to equal opportunities, inclusion and respect for human rights.
Summary of bilateral results