Improving quality of life in the Hradec Králové Region

Through a programme supported by the EEA and Norway Grants, thousands of residents in the Czech Hradec Králové Region will benefit from improved social, educational and medical services.


The main purpose of the programme is to improve the level of services provided to children, youth and seniors in the Hradec Králové Region in the Northern Czech Republic. With grant support from Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, buildings housing those services have been reconstructed and renovated. Through giving the organisations providing these services more suitable equipment and surroundings to carry out their activities, the overall quality level of services in the region is heightened.

One of the sub-projects supported under the programme is the reconstruction and redevelopment of the outdoors relaxation zones at a home for disabled in the small village of ireč. The St. Joseph Home is the only care institution for patients suffering from sclerosis multiplex in the Czech Republic, and the enhancement of the physical surroundings goes a long way to improve the quality of life of its residents.

The grant has been used to reconstruct the paths in the park adjoining the home, in order to improve accessibility for wheelchair users. A new relaxation zone with an arbour, flower bed and lighting has also been constructed by the banks of the river Elbe. Importantly, the zones do not only benefit the residents of the home, but are also open to children from the local school, as well as boat owners sailing on the river. The newly constructed outdoor area will serve as a welcome meeting place for diverse groups in the local community.

This sub-project is one of 21 receiving support under the fund, whose beneficiaries include towns, cities, contributory organisations and NGOs. All in all, 19 buildings will be repaired, reconstructed or modernised and 17 sports fields and relaxation zones will be repaired or constructed.