Travel, explore and present!
The call under the Hungarian NGO programme provides funding for young people to visit to Iceland, Norway or Liechtenstein for a minimum of two weeks. During their travels, participants are to dive into local civil society, examine good examples of civic approaches to social problems and their potential transferability to Hungary. The participants will receive assistance in creating travel and communication plans. A list of partaking NGOs and institutions in the three donor countries will likewise be provided.
The participants should reflect and report on their travels and the practices discovered through online communication tools such as blogs, videos, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.
A lump-sum scholarship of maximum € 3000 per person is available. The granted scholarship amount depends on the length of the trip.
What is supported?
Participants can explore good practices in the following areas:
- The promotion of civil and human rights; transparency and participatory democracy
- The protection of minority rights (based on ethnic, religious, linguistic and sexual orientation), and equal opportunities
- The fight against racism and xenophobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and extremism including hate speech and hate crime
- Tolerance, multicultural understanding and social inclusion, and the promotion of multiculturalism
- The understanding, mitigation and solution of problems arising from poverty and inequalities (with special attention to the situation of Roma)
- The promotion of gender equality, and the fight against inequalities, gender-based and domestic violence, and trafficking
- The implementation of environmental and social sustainability
Who can apply?
Young people, between 18-30 years old, who are dedicated to solving the problems of Hungarian society, are active in the Hungarian civil sector and:
- Can communicate in English and/or in the language of the donor countries with confidence, and are able to prepare reports and conduct interviews
- Are able to use online communication tools for their reports (blog, video sharing, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
- Like to travel, see the world and are able to organise their trips by themselves
- Are able to present their experiences by themselves in the media and other mediums
When is the application deadline?
All applications need to be submitted by 31 January 2015.
Visit the website of the programme operator for more information about this call