Greek NGO programme attracts wide interest

Over 300 applications were submitted in the first call for project applications under the Greek NGO programme, with 41 of these approved for a grant. Around half of the funding will go towards projects that provide support for vulnerable children and young people.


Worth a total of €7.3 million, “We are all citizens” is the first NGO programme funded by the Grants in Greece. And it comes at a time of critical need. Greece is experiencing a serious economic crisis and dramatic cuts in public spending. The crisis has hit vulnerable groups like young people, migrants and the elderly particularly hard. Almost 60% of young people are out of work and nearly a quarter of the population is reported as living at risk of poverty or social exclusion (Eurostat 2013).

Against this challenging backdrop, it is essential that NGOs are able to provide key services and advocate for the most deprived. The focus of the programme, run by the Bodossaki Foundation, is to reduce social inequalities and poverty, promote human rights and good governance as well as protect the environment.

Two themes were addressed in this call:

  • Provision of welfare and basic services to vulnerable groups
  • Strengthen the advocacy and watchdog capacity of NGOs

Bodossaki Foundation press release

Read more on the Greek NGO Programme website

Read more about the Greek NGO programme on our website