NGO programme launched in Croatia

The NGO programme for Croatia was launched in Zagreb yesterday, 2 July. The event attracted more than a hundred NGO representatives interested to hear about the opportunities now available for Croatian civil society.


Erik Brede, Counsellor at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Zagreb, spoke about the vital role of non-governmental organisations in strengthening democracy. Michaela Lednova, from the Financial Mechanism Office – the secretariat of the EEA and Norway Grants -  provided an overview of how the programme worked outlining the objectives and expected outcomes, such as human rights including minority rights (especially Roma and ethnic Serbs), support of democracy, transparency and good governance.

At the event Lillian Solheim from the Norwegian Helsinki Committee explained how civil society works in Norway and advised on how NGOs could find a project partner from one of the donor countries – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Cvjetana Plavsa-Matic, Director of the Croatian National Foundation for Civil Society Development, the Croatian programme operator that organised the event together with the Norwegian Embassy in Zagreb, provided the audience with the relevant details on the programme.

Supporting a dynamic civil society

The NGO programme in Croatia aims to strengthen civil society and enhance social justice and democracy.

Three open calls will be held in the next year:

  • Democracy and human rights - first quarter of 2015
  • Supporting innovative initiatives for children and youth in local communities - second quarter of 2015.
  • Solidarity and social capital in local communities - third quarter of 2014.

In addition, there are two pre-defined projects; one on inclusion of the Roma minority, the other on supporting the regranting capacity of the foundations in Croatia.

Read more about the NGO programme of Croatia here