The Grants through a photographer’s eye

Photos from 10 regions in Latvia reflecting EEA and Norway Grants programmes are being exhibited in Riga for a second week.


“While taking photos for the exhibition, I crossed Latvia several times and was amazed by the impact of the Grants on people’s lives”, photographer Janis Mednis said at the opening of the exhibition.

Janis Mednis contributed with 24 photos to the exhibition ‘Latvia through EEA and Norway Grants’ Eyes’ in the venue “Culture Chalet Esplanade 2014” of Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014. The opening took place during the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Norwegian Constitution on 17 May.

Jānis Mednis together with his photos

The photos reflect Latvian-Norway cooperation in the framework of EEA and Norway Grants programmes 2004-2009. During this period, €53.7 million was allocated to Latvia for projects in areas such as civil society, justice, environment, health, child care, culture, research, regional policy, economic activities and human resource development.

In the current period 2009 -2014, €73 million has been allocated to Latvia for implementation of projects in eight areas.

See more pictures from the  opening of the exhibition that took place on the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Norwegian Constitution here

Read more about Latvian programmes and projects on the country page

Check out more pictures from Latvia at the EEA and Norway Grants Library