Climate change and the growing pressure on our limited natural resources mean that businesses need to innovate to succeed and survive. All EU countries have to meet ambitious targets on innovation as well as climate and energy. To achieve sustainable economic growth, investment in new green industries and green innovation is crucial. Entrepreneurs and small businesses, however, are often hampered by a lack of access to finance.
Needed funding
Despite some improvements in recent years, Poland is still lagging behind the EU average when it comes to eco-innovation in companies, and especially in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). There is currently a lack of available financing for private enterprises to implement such initiatives. To help with this situation, Norway has allocated more than €17 million to projects on green industry innovation in Poland.
Who can apply for funding?
- Private SME enterprises, constituted as legal entities in Poland according to Polish legislation.
What activities are supported?
Funding is available for projects in one or more of the following areas:
- Development, implementation and investment in innovative environmental friendly technologies
- Development of green products and services
- Development and implementation of “greener production processes, and
- Training, awareness raising and verifications as a secondary activity related to the above activities
Partnerships with Norwegian partners are encouraged, and projects with partners will be given extra points in the evaluation process.
When is the application deadline?
Applications must be submitted by 28 May 2014
Travel support
In addition to funding for projects, €75 000 have been made available for travel support. This funding is intended to be used to search for partners, or working jointly with partners to prepare an application. The deadline for applying for travel support is 30 April 2014. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis.
Click here for more information as well as the call text
Click here for more information about the Polish green industry innovation programme