Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery. Estonia is a source, transit and destination country of trafficking in human beings. Through the Norway Grants ‘Domestic and gender-based violence’ programme support is given to activities that will contribute to decrease the occurrence of sexual violence and trafficking in human being and the impact it has on the victims and society.
A second call for project proposals that that will contribute to this goal is now open under the programme. Up to € 240 000 will be allocated to one project in the field of awareness raising towards the general public and risk groups, including for example campaigns, training, development of new services for victims, research etc.
To combat trafficking in human beings and sexual violence, analysis and revealing of problems, increasing the awareness of the general public, preventive activities and integrated help services, as well as the availability help services are of important.
Who can apply?
Any entity, public or private, commercial or non-commercial and non-governmental organisations, established as legal entities in Estonia as well as inter-governmental organisations operating in Estonia are all considered eligible applicants. Partnerships between local and foreign organizations are encouraged. Partnership projects with Norwegian organisations, institutions and experts are particularly encouraged.
When is the deadline?
The deadline for submitting applications is 10 February, 2014.
For all relevant information about the call, visit the website of the programme.
Tackling partnership violence
Under the first open call under this programme, one project in the field of domestic and gender-based violence was selected for funding. The Estonian Open Society Institute will be building-up a uniform system to tackle intimate partnership violence. The project is implemented in partnership with one Norwegian partner - the Resource Centre on Violence, traumatic Stress and Suicide prevention, Western Norway (RVTS Vest)
The following three pre-defined projects are also supported under the programme:
- Providing better help services to victims of gender based violence and enhancing the skills and abilities of the professionals involved in it
Project promoter: The Estonian Women`s Shelters Union NPO
Partnership: The project promoter is developing cooperation with the Norwegian Secretariat of Women’s Shelters and with the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies. - Further developing of crisis intervention services, developing new services for human trafficking victims
Project promoter: NPO Lifeline - Supporting the anti-human-trafficking helpline, preventive counselling and supporting victims.
Project promoter: NPO Living for Tomorrow
Read more about the programme here.
In Warsaw in November, protecting and promoting the rights of the victims of trafficking was in focus at the conference 'Putting victims first'. Read more.