Greece is experiencing a serious political and economic crisis, and consequently dramatic cuts in public expenditures are being introduced. The economic crisis has in particularly hit vulnerable groups such as children and youth, migrants and asylum seekers and the elderly. The €6.3 million Greek NGO programme aims to build the capacity of Greek NGOs by strengthening their role in civil society. The programme focuses in particular on four priority areas:
- To reduce social inequalities, poverty and social exclusion
- To promote human rights including minority rights (especially Roma and migrants)
- To support democracy, transparency and good governance
- Protecting the environment.
Establishing partnerships
This call for proposal provides “seed money” to support the establishment of partnerships for projects expected to increase the provision of welfare to target groups, and to strengthen the advocacy and watchdog role of Greek NGOs. Call for project proposals under these areas will be launched in January 2014.
The EEA Grants have set aside a total of €95 100 to strengthen bilateral cooperation between Greece and the donor countries under the NGO programme.
Who can apply for funding?
Eligible applicants are:
- NGOs established in Greece, and;
- Entities from the donor countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).
Activities that are supported include travel costs for meetings, study visits, feasibility studies etc. Activities may take place in Greece and/or Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein (details on the call is to be found in the call document - link below)
The application deadline is 28 February, 2014.
Read more about this call under the website of the programme operator.